Alessandria, over 200 people checked against the Saturday night massacres
Over two hundred people checked by the Carabinieri to guarantee safety on the roads in the places with the greatest influx on weekend evenings
Alessandria, over 200 people checked against the Saturday night massacres.
On the weekend of May 20th and 21st, the Carabinieri of the Acqui Terme Company carried out a substantial service aimed at preventing the age-old phenomenon of the "Saturday evening massacres". The service was specifically arranged in order to verify that road users did not drive vehicles in irregular psycho-physical conditions. The service was carried out in the night between Saturday and Sunday in the two centers with the greatest influx of people, namely Acqui Terme and Ovada, in the places frequented by the local nightlife, with particular attention to the places most frequented by young people.
As a result of the check which involved 12 soldiers, 75 vehicles were checked, with over 200 people checked. In cases where the conditions of the drivers appeared suspicious, the state of alteration due to the use of alcoholic substances was checked using the breathalyzer instrument which led to the denunciation in a state of freedom, for violation of the art. 186 of the Highway Code, of 8 people (7 men and one woman), aged between 24 and 65, all found driving their vehicles with a higher alcohol level than permitted, which led to the withdrawal of the driving license and in 4 cases also the confiscation of the vehicle. Another young man aged 34 was only administratively sanctioned, again with the withdrawal of his driving licence, but without reporting it to the Judicial Authority.
The Carabinieri Company of Acqui Terme, awaiting the proliferation of the phenomenon, will carry out further checks in the coming weekends, to guarantee safety for citizens on the roads and avoid dangerous behavior for the drivers themselves and for other users.
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