Alessandria: 73 vehicles registered fictitiously, a woman reported.

A young woman, originally from Romania, was reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Alessandria for ideological falsity in a public document by misleading the Public Official, in this specific case the Public Officer.

Alessandria: 73 vehicles registered fictitiously, a woman reported.

The Carabinieri of Novi Ligure, following detailed investigations, reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Alessandria a young woman, originally from Romania, to ideological falsehood in a public act by misleading the Public Official, in the specific case the person in charge of the Public Automobile Registry, and for aggravated fraud committed to the detriment of the State, for having fraudulently evaded the payment of the IPT tax due for the sale of a car.

From November 2022, following requests for investigations received from other departments of the Carabinieri relating to the methods of buying and selling various vehicles registered in the woman's name, it was found that the aforementioned woman, burdened by police records, had created in 2019 a individual company based in Romagna, whose VAT number was canceled in 2022 due to numerous violations. However, the woman still turned out owner of 73 vehicles, of which 72 without insurance coverage and inspection and not in use to her, but to third parties; ten of which were placed in warehouses as they were subjected to seizure or judicial detention.
The Carabinieri found that the vehicles had accumulated over 1.500 euros in missed tolls on the motorway network and that they had been involved in 273 accidents.

Furthermore, the payment of the tax to the PRA called IPT for a total of 1.894 euros had been repeatedly evaded, taking advantage of a relief provided for car dealers.
The woman was charged with 73 Highway Code reports for "Prohibition of fictitious registration of vehicles", for a total of almost 40.000 euros, for which an appeal is pending before the Prefecture.
At the request of the Carabinieri of the Novi Ligure station, the Judicial Authority issued the "registry block", notified by the operators to the PRA, which prevents the recipient of the provision from buying and selling vehicles, a very effective measure to combat fictitious registrations.
The Carabinieri are investigating the position of other people who could be fictitious owners, in order to combat the phenomenon, which is increasingly widespread and dangerous, as the vehicles are often also used to commit crimes.

Alessandria: 73 veicoli intestati fittiziamente, denunciata una donna.

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