Alessandria: Intensified controls on nightlife and urban incivility
The Carabinieri of the Alessandria Main Station together with personnel from the Municipal Police of Alessandria
Alessandria: Intensified controls on nightlife and urban incivility.
The Carabinieri of the Alessandria Main Station together with personnel from the Municipal Police of Alessandria, also in consideration of the reports recently received from citizens and administrators, have intensified checks, carrying out extraordinary services with the aim of repressing crimes against the person and any form of urban incivility in the city. In particular, the service affected the downtown areas, Piazza della Libertà, Piazzetta della Lega, via Lumelli and the city nightlife areas in general.
The checks, carried out with the aid of a dog unit, made it possible to identify around 40 people, refer an irregular person on the national territory, sanction two young people for possession of hashish and apply an administrative sanction with relative expulsion of a person who, in a drunken state, he disturbed passers-by in Piazza della Libertà.
This last measure, commonly called "urban daspo", allows people who hinder the use of services and civil coexistence to be removed from some public places.
The initiative, which received excellent feedback, will be replicated to improve citizen safety and make public spaces more usable.
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