Alcamo, a convicted criminal violating the approach ban, she photographs him and calls the police. Deferred flagrant arrest

The man had returned to his wife's house uttering threats

Alcamo, a convicted criminal violating the approach ban, she photographs him and calls the police. Deferred flagrant arrest.

The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Section of the Alcamo Company arrested, however violation of the expulsion orders from the family home e approach to places frequented by the person offense, a convicted felon from Alcamo born in 1985.

The man, subjected to a ban from approaching the places frequented by his wife last March, would have returned to her home to utter threats being immortalized by the woman through a photo taken with her cell phone. The Carabinieri, alerted by the woman, arrived on the scene within minutes but did not find the man who had walked away in the meantime. From the multimedia material provided by the victim which portrayed the man right outside her house intent on threatening her, the Carabinieri, according to article 382 bis of the Penal Code, which came into force last December, set out on the trail of the 38-year-old blocking him not far away and arresting him.

In fact, according to article 382 bis of the Code of Criminal Procedure, anyone who, on the basis of videophotographic documentation or other legitimately acquired, is unequivocally the author of the crime, provided that the arrest is carried out no later than the time necessary for its identification and, in any case, within forty-eight hours of the event.

Following the validation hearing, the 38-year-old was subjected to arrest with electronic bracelet.

Alcamo, pregiudicato viola il divieto di avvicinamento, lei lo fotografa e chiama i carabinieri. Arresto in flagranza differita

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