Agrigento, the State Police carries out checks on the territory
The State Police of Sciacca, as part of the activities aimed at implementing the ordinary prevention and control services of the territory, continued to extend its range of action to the Municipality of Ribera, where some episodes of petty crime and various illegalities had been reported .
Agrigento, the State Police carries out checks on the territory.
The operational device, deployed on 20 and 21 December, strengthened by the presence of the Palermo Crime Prevention Department and the Agrigento Traffic Police, overall carried out widespread checks in terms of the Judicial Police and the Administrative Police in the Riberese area. In total, 275 people were stopped and checked, some of whom were affected by criminal and police prejudice, 99 cars, 10 fines for violation of the CDS were imposed, and 5 vehicles were placed under administrative seizure. And again, 6 administrative accesses were carried out to as many commercial establishments intended for the administration and sale of food and drinks while another specific control concerned a betting shop - in close collaboration with officials of the State Monopolies - imposing in this case administrative sanctions for an amount of approximately 15.000,00 euros for violations relating to the correct conduct of online games and betting and another for a total amount of 2064,00 euros due to the absence of the person in charge.
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