Agrigento, organizes an evening illegally: arrested

The owner of the business had organized a public dance entertainment show with the presence of an entertainer DJ.

Agrigento, organizes an evening illegally: arrested.

On April 23 us, in Licata, the State Police released a man into custody for having organized a dancing evening without the required authorization and at his expense it also imposed administrative sanctions .

As part of specific prevention services aimed at combating violations of the legislation concerning i Public Shows, the men of the police station, following a video circulating on social media that advertised a dancing evening, in order to ascertain its veracity, carried out a check at a well-known accommodation facility in Licata.

Specifically, the owner of the business had organized a public show of dancing entertainment with the presence of an entertainer DJ.

At the time of the check they were many customers present intent on dancing and eating their meal.

The owner reported to the agents of be in compliance with the authorizations for the performance of dance entertainment shows and with the certification of usability and safety required by current legislation, but, at the time of the inspection, was unable to produce the requested documentation.

Therefore, the man was handed over to the AG in a state of freedom for having organized and carried out a dance entertainment show in a structure without the required administrative authorizations of the PS

Furthermore, two administrative sanctions were imposed, for the amount each of euro 1.500,00 both to the owner of the club and to the DJ, for having performed an evening of dancing without the mandatory police licenses.

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