Agrigento, landing on January 25th in which 7 people lost their lives: the alleged smuggler arrested
Agrigento, landing on January 25th in which 7 people lost their lives: the alleged smuggler arrested.
Yesterday evening, the State Police arrested a crime suspect, issued by the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento, signed by the Deputy Prosecutors Gloria Andreoli and Paola Vetro, against an Egyptian person held responsible for serious crimes in issue of illegal immigration.
The Flying Squad carried out intense investigative activity which allowed the arrested person to be identified as the alleged smuggler of the vessel which on 25 January 2022 transported 287 irregular non-EU citizens, mainly of Bangladeshi origin, to Italian territory, taking them from the Libyan coasts towards the waters Italian territories. There crossing, carried out on board an overcrowded boat of approximately 16 m, had exposed the migrants to serious danger to their lives, so much so that seven Bangladeshis, due to the inhumane travel conditions, had lost their lives due to hypothermia.
The arrested person was therefore also charged with the crime of death as a consequence of another crime; the victims had been identified thanks to exceptional synergistic work between the Flying Squad and the Bangladeshi Consulate.
The investigative findings were transmitted to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Agrigento, directed by Luigi Patronaggio, who, deeming the circumstantial framework gathered through the testimonies of the surviving migrants absolutely robust, issued the arrest order against the suspect, a thirty-eight year old against whom a definitive sentence had already been issued for the crime of aiding and abetting illegal immigration, committed in September 2011 in Pozzallo.
At the same time, the policemen of the Flying Squad carried out two detention orders against as many Tunisian citizens, who arrived irregularly in the territory of the State, the first convicted of crimes of sexual violence, persecutory acts, threats; the other for forgery against the public faith.
After the ritual formalities, the subjects were taken to prison in Agrigento.
The arrested person was made available to the AG for validation and to ascertain any criminal liability; the condemned for the expiation of the definitive sentence.
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