Agrigento, 15-day suspension of the activity of a public establishment in the Municipality of Sciacca.
The activity of a public establishment relating to the administration of food and drinks in the Municipality of Sciacca has been suspended for a period of 15 days.
Agrigento, 15-day suspension of the activity of a public establishment in the Municipality of Sciacca.
The State Police of Sciacca has implemented the provision issued by the Police Commissioner of Agrigento, Rosa Maria Iraci, which ordered the suspension, for a period of 15 days, of the activity of a public establishment providing food and drinks insistent in the Municipality of Sciacca, as required by art. 100 of the TULPS (RD 18.6.1931, n. 773). The suspension of the commercial activity imposed on the owner is part of the continuation of the prevention services carried out in the area and those of administrative control which, recently, have allowed a similar measure to be adopted against another entertainment venue in the City of Spas . In this case, the aforementioned services made it possible to identify, in the premises concerned, individuals who had been affected over the course of several weeks, believing in this regard that the simultaneous presence of such people could constitute an alarm for the community and a source of danger for the safety of citizens. . Furthermore, last December, in the same premises, a violent attack occurred against a customer, following which the victim suffered personal injuries; in this regard, the indicated suspension of the license for the activity of the public establishment summarizes intrinsic prevention purposes for public safety, pursuing the objective of the early protection of citizens and patrons. The Police services responsible for this will be extended further with the aim of guaranteeing greater capillarity in the territory.
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