Stopped at the controls with some doses of cocaine and 500 euros: 17-year-old under investigation for drug dealing
A patrol from the Flying Squad noticed two young people whose elusive behavior attracted the attention of the police who were checking them.
Stopped at the controls with some doses of cocaine and 500 euros: 17-year-old under investigation for drug dealing.
Belluno. On December 05th around 00:30, a patrol of the Flying Squad, engaged in the control of the territory passing near the local railway station, noticed two young people whose elusive behavior attracted the attention of the policemen who were checking them.
The boys, both 17 year olds resident in the province of Treviso, immediately showed themselves nervous, suffering from control and were not able to justify their presence in this capital at that late hour except with vague and conflicting justifications. Considered the social alarm for i numerous thefts perpetrated in the last period the subjects were subjected to searches, making the officers discover that in reality they were not in Belluno to carry out thefts but rather to deal drugs. In fact on one of the two some doses of cocaine and over €500 were found, probable proceeds ofdaily activity.
The young man was therefore investigated and will be the Juvenile Court of Venice to evaluate the responsibilities of the same in relation to crime of drug dealing. At the end of the agents' activity, both minors were entrusted to their parents.
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