200 of them in a basement room without emergency exits. An illegal nightclub discovered in Piediripa, two complaints
Failure to comply with the provisions to protect public safety, the total lack of fire prevention regulations and the possession of the certificate of usability of the premises
200 of them in a basement room without emergency exits. An illegal nightclub discovered in Piediripa, two complaints.
An illegal nightclub discovered set up in a room of Piazzale Mercurio in Piediripa. They were the ones who found it officers of the local police of Macerata following some investigations started in the previous days to the operation, carried out in collaboration with the carabinieri of the Radiomobile section of the NORM of the Macerata Company and the Macerata Station, and taken on Saturday 2 March, around 19.30 pm, and finished the next day at 8.30 in the morning.
As soon as they arrived in the area, the owner of the club introduced himself to the officers outside the illegal disco and immediately contacted the two organizers of the evening, identified in a 41-year-old from Tolentino and a 38-year-old originally from San Severino Marche but resident in Civitanova Marche who were reported.
Inside the commercial premises - a basement and for this reason which went unnoticed until the other day - the police they found about two hundred people, all aged between 20 and 25 years old from the Macerata hinterland and from Fermo, DJ at the console, an area used for administration of food and drinks, waiters, cloakroom attendants and bouncers.
The agents of the Trade, Control and Social Cohesion Operational Unit, which carried out the control, have identified a total of 14 workers, who worked in various capacities, and their position is now being examined by the local police who are also evaluating the challenge of administrative reports which concern the supply of alcohol without a licence, the illegal supply without SCIA, the holding of public entertainment without title, violations of the smoking ban for a total of approximately 7.000,00 euros in administrative fines and, finally, reporting to the Revenue Agency for the evening's earnings without receipts.
"A precise and punctual operation by our local police, in synergy with the Carabinieri of Macerata, which is the result of intense work of checks, controls and in-depth analysis in the area, to protect public safety and to combat illicit behavior - commented the mayor Sandro Parcaroli -. We hope that this fact also represents a warning for the younger generations to understand, among other things, the correct ways of having fun which must always go hand in hand with safety, in every respect".
At the end of the inspection the two organizers were disputed the failure to comply with the provisions for the protection of public safety, the total lack of fire prevention regulations and the possession of the certificate of usability of the premises.
"The municipal administration, together with the police, has public safety and the protection of the community at heart, in this case young people, to avoid risk situations - he comments the Security Councilor Paolo Renna -. Therefore I express great satisfaction for the work that the local police officers together with the carabinieri have brilliantly completed, averting a potentially dangerous situation.".
At the end of the clearing, the premises were placed underneath preventive seizure. However, further investigations are underway and the judicial authority will define any measures in the case without prejudice to the presumption of innocence of the people involved.
"Always high attention, throughout the municipality, to protect young people and in this specific case to avoid another 'Blue Lantern' in the sense that if an emergency situation had arisen, panic would have created a sudden outflow impossible to avoid manage given that the only escape route was the stairs, risking creating a situation similar to that which happened in Corinaldo – intervenes the Commander of the local police Danilo Doria -. The one carried out between Saturday and Sunday was an activity that is linked to those we carry out and carry forward with Life Addicted, the project dedicated to the new generations to combat road accidents linked to the use of alcohol and drugs. I want to thank my colleagues and the police for the work done in synergy and which, thanks to close collaboration, led to an important result".
And speaking of prevention activities within Life Addicted, always on the day of on Saturday from 19pm to 22pm, the officers of the local police of Macerata carried out 18 breathalyser checks on as many drivers of vehicles, all of whom tested negative, in the areas of the train station and via Pancalducci.
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