Chieti, the first edition of the "Premio Majano" is born
Michele Placido is the president of the Jury
Chieti, the first edition of the "Premio Majano" is born.
The "Majano International Award" is born, a recognition established by the municipal administration and created with the Deputation of the Marrucino Theater, in order to restore history and memory to an illustrious fellow citizen, a creative who with his contribution has marked cultural and television life of the country and gave Italian viewers the first dramas that remained historical models of television and direction.
Many activities will be held in the first edition which will be held in Chieti from 30 November to 3 December with an event full of events which will see the participation of personalities from the world of cinema, television and culture, with the support of the Department of Culture and the "Chamber of Commerce of Chieti-Pescara".
Anton Giulio Majano was born in Chieti on 5 July 1909. A long and successful career, during which he created some of the absolute masterpieces in the history of television based on novels and texts by great authors. Among his many directors, we remember “Captain Fracassa” (1958), “Treasure Island” (1959), “Crime and Punishment” (1963), “The Citadel” (1964), “Lieutenant Sheridan: The Woman of flowers” (1965), “The Black Arrow” (1968-1969), “And the Stars are Watching” (1971) and many others.
A dream made of culture, cinema and memory
“Anton Giulio Majano was a great figure of Italian culture, a figure who deservedly ranks among the most illustrious in the history of our city where his genius was born and raised – so the vice-mayor Paolo De Cesare – An institutional committee has been set up for the Award which strengthens the prestige of the event of which Gianni Letta will be honorary president, while Michele Placido will be president of the technical-scientific committee”.
“The artistic direction of the Prize is by maestro Davide Cavuti. I hope that this celebratory event of a talented and unforgettable character from our land can offer a further contribution to the cultural growth of the entire community. In this project we will involve people of international importance, who have known or worked with the director Anton Giulio Majano, who was the first to bring literary works to TV, making the history of television and creating characters that have remained imprinted in the memory of the public to this day. At that time".
“The prize will be structured, it was created with the intention of making him known and showing his works above all to young people from high schools in the city, so that the new generations can also perceive his greatness and contribute to keeping his memory alive both as lovers and promoters of culture, even as Theatines".
An honor for the City
“The award is certainly a strong recognition of a formidable creative genius who we are honored to include among our illustrious fellow citizens – so the mayor Diego Ferrara – Thanks to the synergy between the Department of Culture and Marrucino, with the Award this character will also become better known to the younger generations, who are missing a piece of the cinematographic and television history that was fundamental for Italy and for the culture of Village. With this Award Chieti plays its part, remedying this together with a highly respectable parterre that we are certain will bring the name and history of our city even higher."
“The award named after the figure of Anton Giulio Majano wants to pay homage to his immense production in the field of television and cinema directing – adds the maestro – I hope that this initiative can contribute to disseminating the work of an illustrious son of our land. The Award will be created with the collaboration of prestigious bodies operating in the world of cinema and will see the participation of well-known personalities who took part in his works".
Jury and artistic direction
The event is under the artistic direction of maestro Davide Cavuti, composer and director for cinema and theatre.
This morning the members of the technical-scientific commission were revealed which will see, in addition to Michele Placido, president of the jury, the participation of the critic and writer Masolino D'Amico, son of the screenwriter Suso Cecchi D'Amico; of the maestro Bruno Zambrini, film composer who worked with Majano in “Qui scuola mobile” (1973) and author of numerous songs for Gianni Morandi; of the actress Laura Efrikian, interpreter of the screenplays “La Cittadella (1964) and “David Copperfield” (1965) directed by Majano; of the director Gabriele Antinolfi, director of the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia; by Marco Giudici, former director of Rai International, by Paola Majano, voice actress and daughter of the director.
In the institutional committee, with the Hon. Gianni Letta as honorary president, present are the mayor of Chieti Diego Ferrara; the president of the Abruzzo Region Marco Marsilio; Gennaro Strever, President of the Chieti-Pescara Chamber of Commerce; Aurelio Bigi, creator of the Award in 2003; Carla Tiboni president of the Flaiano Awards; Sergio Caputi, Rector of the G. d'Annunzio University; Giustino Angeloni, President of the “Theatrical Deputation Teatro Marrucino”; Cesare Di Martino, administrative director of the Marrucino Theatre; Paolo De Cesare, president of the Award and other personalities from the world of institutions and culture.
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