Catanzaro: The Carabinieri visit the little guests of the “Ciaccio” and “Pugliese” Pediatric Departments
initiative promoted by the Carabinieri
Catanzaro: The Carabinieri visit the little guests of the “Ciaccio” and “Pugliese” Pediatric Departments
As the Christmas holidays approach, the Carabinieri of the Calabria Legion thought of showing their closeness to the little guests of the Pediatric Oncohematology Department of the “Ciaccio” Hospital, as well as the Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery Department of the “Pugliese” Hospital in Catanzaro. In fact, the Carabinieri showed up at the hospital accompanied by Santa Claus, who arrived on the Carabinieri helicopter together with the Carabinieri of the “Cacciatori Calabria” Helicopter Squadron of Vibo Valentia, waving a white flag with a red heart and a flame in the center. The flight over the hospital amazed the little ones who, leaning out onto the balcony, happily greeted the original and unexpected visit.
After the helicopter passes, the Commander of the Calabria Legion, Brigadier General Riccardo Sciuto, the Deputy Commander of the Legion, Brigadier General Francesco Iacono, the Provincial Commander of Catanzaro, Colonel Giuseppe Mazzullo, the Commander of the Carabinieri Helicopter Squadron "Cacciatori Calabria", Lieutenant Colonel Davide Montinaro and a representation of soldiers from the Provincial Command of Catanzaro, of the Hunters and of the 8th Helicopter Nucleus of Vibo Valentia, accompanied by Santa Claus, Batman and 2 dog units, they distributed books, toys and various gadgets to the young patients.The initiative, promoted by the Calabria Carabinieri Legion and made possible by the Management of the “Dulbecco” University Hospital of Catanzaro, saw the authoritative presence of the Prefect of Catanzaro Castrese De Rosa, of the Extraordinary Commissioner of the University Hospital Trust “Dulbecco” of Catanzaro Dr. Simona Carbone, of the Health Director of the company Dr. Domenico Perri and of the Director of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Dr. Maria Concetta Galati, and It was highly appreciated by the children, their families and healthcare workers.
A small symbolic gesture that allowed to distract the little ones and give them a smile, easing their stay in the hospital. The event is part of the solidarity initiatives that have always, in the wake of tradition, seen the Arma close to the communities and attentive to the weakest and most vulnerable groups. An encouragement for these children, with the hope of being able to return home soon.
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