Cinema in Naples, boom in productions and millionaire related industries

The Municipality's strategy: Cohousing at the Albergo dei Poveri

Cinema in Naples, boom in productions and millionaire related industries.

Il City of Naples strengthens commitment to cinema and audiovisual. A new support strategy for the entire sector, desired by the mayor, is underway Gaetano Manfredi.

The role of is confirmed Fuga Palace as a hub of creativity and, in particular, as a space intended for film productions. The Real Albergo dei Poveriin fact, for the next three years it will host all the support activities for audiovisual filming set in Naples. This will happen by exporting the consolidated management model of “Cohousing Cinema Naples”, so far created at Palazzo Cavalcanti in via Toledo. On an experimental basis, some rooms of the eighteenth-century monumental palace in Piazza Carlo III have already been granted for temporary use from April to November 2023 to the company "The Apartment" for the production and processing of the new film by the Oscar-winning director Paolo Sorrentino: specifically, 7 already furnished rooms were made available for offices and 2 larger rooms for equipment and technical services. Sorrentino's film alone generated an economic impact of more than that 8 million euros on the territory of the Municipality of Naples, also including related activities, and involving a total of 2.300 units from Campania, including actors, extras and technical staff.

“Pto make the most of the enormous potential of the audiovisual sector - declares Sergio Locoratolo, coordinator of cultural policies of the Municipality of Naples – we are going to replicate the virtuous model of the "Cohousing Cinema Napoli", already tested with great success in other facilities. We are thus giving a new life and intended use to some places in the city, with a broader perspective of valorisation and refunctionalisation of our material and immaterial heritage, in which culture is always at the centre. The economic data we are collecting demonstrates how the audiovisual sector represents an extraordinary driving force for economic development for the city. Furthermore, the move of film productions to Palazzo Fuga will contribute to the decongestation of the Historic Center, producing a more organized management of the presence of crews in the city and, consequently, the improvement of urban liveability, to the benefit of citizens".

«As a municipal administration - he claims Ferdinand Tozzi, delegate of the Mayor of Naples for the music and audiovisual industry – we believe that audiovisual is an important strategic asset for the development of the territory. We are, therefore, implementing a targeted strategy aimed at consolidating the strongly positive trend that Naples is experiencing as an ideal setting for the production of films, television series and commercials, both by structuring an increasingly wider range of services for productions and by developing with "guest" productions of the growth paths of local professionals and creating new training and professional prospects for the young generations".

The "Cohousing Cinema Naples", in addition to offering productions a unique welcome in Italy, presents itself as a place "open" to the city for training and cinema professions, intended above all for young professionals who will be able to interact and meet the great film and television industry here. The agreements stipulated with the hosted production companies allow, in fact, to create training opportunities for the new generations who want to undertake a professional path in the world of cinema and audiovisual. In 2023 alone there will be 13 masterclasses, in which around 400 students from the main film courses in the city took part, 14 internships activated at 4 different productions, Bronx Film (for casting and direction), The Apartment (for set design, costumes and direction) , Rain Dogs (for scenography and direction) and Anemone Film (for production and direction), 3 pitching days with the companies The Apartment, Fandango and Indiana Production, in which they had the opportunity to participate 30 young filmmakers. Furthermore, 30 students from the film courses at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples were given the opportunity to visit the set of "The Genius Friend". Between the end of 2023 and the first half of 2024, another 9 masterclasses and a pitching day with Indigo Film will take place.

The goals achieved in recent years byCinema Office of the City of Naples, which manages the “Cohousing Cinema Napoli”. From 1 January to 31 October 2023, the Office offered administrative support for the creation of 172 audiovisual and photographic products, including 37 films and 15 TV series made partially or entirely in Naples. Some of the most important Italian directors have chosen the Neapolitan city as a filming set: in addition to the aforementioned Paolo Sorrentino, Gabriele Salvatores, Pappi Corsicato, Cristina Comencini, Lina Sastri, Marco D'Amore, Ivan Cotroneo, Gianpaolo Morelli, Giulio Manfredonia, Claudio Giovannesi, Stefano Incerti, Saverio Costanzo, Ivan Silvestrini, Carmine Elia, Francesco Lettieri.

Since September, the Cinema Office has supported the shooting of the film “Hey Joe” directed by Giovanninesi starring James Franco, “The Children's Train” di Cristina Comencini. Filming for the series is currently underway "Big Foot", inspired by the figure of Bud Spencer starring Salvatore Esposito movies "I want to watch" directed by Stefano Incerti e “It's not my fault” produced by Indigo and HT Film and the documentary on Pino Daniele by Title “half black”, as well as fashion shootings, video clips, TV programs and various commercials.


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