The “Guardians of Beauty” continue to take care of Caltanissetta

After cleaning the municipal villas, the intervention teams of the social project took care of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II.

The “Guardians of Beauty” continue to take care of Caltanissetta.

The activities at the service of the community promoted by the local reality of the project “Custodi del Bello” continue, a national initiative that aims to restore dignity to people in difficulty through training and social reintegration paths that include the enhancement of public spaces, monuments and places of interest in various Italian cities.

The Caltanissetta project, already started in the first months of 2024 thanks to the Caritas Association, in synergy with the Municipal Administration of Caltanissetta, UDEPE (District Office of External Penal Enforcement) of Caltanissetta and Enna and with the training body Eap Fedarcom, has allowed many subjects in fragile situations to make themselves useful to the community by proceeding, with the coordination of specialized personnel, to the cleaning and maintenance of various areas of the Historic Center and the city.
“Thanks to the contribution of the “Guardians of Beauty” – comments councilor Pier Paolo Olivo – Caltanissetta is kept cleaner and more dignified. For this extraordinary work in favor of our community I will never tire of thanking, on behalf of the entire municipal administration, all the people of the teams who work on this wonderful project. The director of the Caritas of Caltanissetta, Giuseppe Paruzzo, and all those who contribute daily and in a concrete way to make our city better”.

The work teams of the “Custodi del Bello” project, in fact, after having completed the cleaning of all the municipal villas during the month of September, dedicated themselves to the care of Corso Vittorio Emanuele II.
The “guardians of beauty” of Caltanissetta took care of the ornamental greenery, the decor and the waste removal of a crucial part of the city environment, thanks also to the pressure washers made available by the relevant department delegated to Eng. Calogero Adornetto, that is, special tools that consume a minimal quantity of non-potable water, useful for simplifying and making cleaning operations more effective.

I “Custodi del Bello” continuano a prendersi cura di Caltanissetta.

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