Mussomeli, Carabinieri checks nursing homes. Violations of workplace safety found

The investigation revealed violations of safety in the workplace, resulting in administrative fines of over €20.000.

Mussomeli (Caltanissetta), Carabinieri checks nursing homes. Violations of workplace safety found

In recent days, the Carabinieri Station of Mussomeli, availing themselves of the specialized support of the Carabinieri Labor Inspectorate Unit of Caltanissetta and the Carabinieri Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit of Ragusa, have prepared a service aimed at combating irregular work and verifying compliance with workplace safety regulations, as well as crimes relating to food safety and verifying compliance with sector health and hygiene regulations, by carrying out an inspection at elderly care facilities.

Mussomeli, controllo dei Carabinieri nelle case di riposo. Riscontrate violazioni in materia di sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro

The investigation did not reveal any critical issues regarding the hygienic-sanitary, food and assistance conditions of the elderly hosted; however, violations were found regarding safety in the workplace - Legislative Decree no. 81 of 2008 and on the employment of personnel, raising administrative sanctions for over €20.000.

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