Mazzarino: license suspended in Bar, meeting place for "convicted and dangerous" people

The suspension request was made by the Gela Carabinieri Territorial Department last January 2024.

Mazzarino: license suspended in Bar, meeting place for "convicted and dangerous" people.

The staff of the Territorial Department of Gela (CL) has implemented the provision of suspension of the drink and food administration license, pursuant to art. 100 TULPS, issued by the Police Commissioner of Caltanissetta against the Bar called "Bar 2000" located in Mazzarino (CL ), in Corso Vittorio Emanuele.

The suspension request was made by the Gela Carabinieri Territorial Department last January 2024.

The reasons that led to the suspension of the authorization consist in the fact that said bar has become a habitual meeting place for convicted and dangerous people and therefore constitutes a danger to public order and the safety of citizens.

The suspension of the drinks and food supply license will last 03 days.
The municipality of Mazzarino is a small center in the Nisseno area. Its economy is based mainly on agriculture and animal husbandry, due, above all, to the natural conformation of its territory.

In this context, one of the factors that induced high social alarm, furthermore aggravated by the chronic lack of work, was the consumption and detention for the purpose of dealing of narcotic substances, the abuse of which was found, predominantly, among the youth population.

Given the above, it appears logical and consequential to deduce how local crime was able to draw immediate opportunities for infiltration and propagation from such a social condition.

Within this framework, places of social gathering are of vital importance. The latter, as a consequence of this, can certainly transform themselves into dangerous reservoirs of criminal laborers that individuals belonging to common and organized crime usually seek out among the youngest and least experienced individuals, and, certainly, among those who frequent the predicted “meeting place”.

The issuance of this provision represents not only a guarantee of safety for citizens, but also protection for the traders themselves.

Mazzarino: licenza sospesa a Bar, ritrovo di persone “pregiudicate e pericolose”.

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