Caltanissetta: the 2024 of the Carabinieri
The 2024 end-of-year budget of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Caltanissetta.
Caltanissetta: the 2024 of the Carabinieri
The statistics, says the Provincial Commander, although they return “important” numbers – 216 people arrested in the year that is about to end, 1332 reported at liberty, over 61.000 people subjected to checks, just to name a few – these alone do not fully convey the complexity of the commitment made by the Arma, as a police force with general competence and in permanent public safety service, in carrying out all activities to protect public order and safety: from territorial control, to participation in public order services, to the protection of the widespread interests of the community, according to a consolidated model of effective coordination ensured by the Prefect of Caltanissetta Chiara Armenia.
Particularly significant, in this sense, is the numerical data relating to the preventive services carried out by the Carabinieri in the current year, over 16.000, even more significant if one considers that in most of the Municipalities in the provincial territory the Carabinieri is the only Police Force present with its own garrison, a true point of reference for the local communities called to carry out an irreplaceable function of social reassurance, especially in the presence of factors of instability such as the water crisis this year.
Preventive services have been added to the investigative activities carried out under the direction of the Nissena Judicial Authority, which in the year that is about to end have seen the definition of important operations throughout the provincial territory in various areas: from fight against mafia-type organizations – remember theOperation “Antiqua” last May, coordinated by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Caltanissetta – at the repression of drug-related crimes, up to investigations into issues of great social relevance such as the protection of the weakest groups such as elderly people, to whom numerous meetings have been dedicated, and against the gender violence.
And also the contribution in public order services, protection and safeguard services, up to the important contribution offered by the branches of the special organization of the Carabinieri operating in the provincial territory: the Ecological Operations Unit, called upon to combat pollution, illegal building in protected areas and the illegal disposal of toxic substances, and the Labour Inspectorate Unit, which is responsible for monitoring the application of current legislation on labour, social security and assistance.
Great effort has been made, also in the current year, in the training activities of the “culture of legality” through the numerous meetings with students, which addressed issues that have attracted considerable interest from young people: from recruitment opportunities to education on environmental legality, from stalking to femicide and child pornography, but also bullying, road safety, drugs, risks associated with access to the Internet, to name just a few.
“The Carabinieri of Caltanissetta – the note concludes – renews its commitment to serving citizens for the new year, in line with institutional goals and strategies”.
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