Caltanissetta: Territorial control service, 135 people checked
Caltanissetta: Territorial control service, 135 people checked
Caltanissetta: Territorial control service, 135 people checked
In order to encourage the fight against illegality and consequently strengthen prevention activities in the territory, the Territorial Carabinieri Department of Gela, by order of the Provincial Command of Caltanissetta, and in compliance with the indications provided by the Prefect of the capital of Nisseno, organized an extraordinary service of territorial control in the municipality of Gela.
The activity, which saw the commitment of the military of the Gela Carabinieri territorial department, with patrols in the institute colors and with the support of the military of the Operational Intervention Company of the 12th Carabinieri regiment "Sicilia", it involved the identification of people and vehicles with checkpoints and roadblocks along the main road arteries, where, especially at weekends, there is a significant movement of vehicles and people.
During the execution of the service, a total of 135 people and 78 vehicles were checked, and traffic fines were issued for a total amount of 5620 euros.
During the checks, a driving licence was withdrawn, resulting in the administrative seizure of the vehicle.
Numerous checks aimed at contrasting narcotic substances in the municipality of Gela. In particular, a young man found in possession of a small quantity of hashish was reported to the Prefecture of Caltanissetta.
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