Caltanissetta: Operation “Fontanelle” to provide 68 thousand liters of water to more than 100 users who have been without water for dozens of days due to the water crisis

Eight tankers and seven pick-up trucks have been distributing water since this morning to the residents of the Fontanelle district of Caltanissetta, who have been hit by the water crisis for days.

Caltanissetta: Operation “Fontanelle” to provide 68 thousand liters of water to more than 100 users who have been without water for dozens of days due to the water crisis.

Eight tankers and seven pick-up trucks have been distributing water to the inhabitants of the Fontanelle district since this morning. in Caltanissetta, hit by the water crisis for days.

The operation was activated by the head of the Protection of the Sicilian Region Salvo Cocina, in agreement with the president Renato Schifani, following what was learned about the lack of water in the area for dozens of days and in the absence of effective interventions. The initiative, launched in collaboration with the Municipality and the Prefecture, will continue throughout the day. With every trip 68 thousand liters of water will be delivered. Around 100 users are affected.

Caltanissetta: operazione "Fontanelle" per fornire 68 mila litri di acqua a più di 100 utenze che da decine di giorni sono a secco a causa della crisi idrica 3

The supply vehicles were made available by the Municipalities of Mussomeli, San Cataldo and Villalba, to which the regional Civil Protection department recently provided contributions for their repair. Two tankers were sent by the Regional Forestry Corps, two from Caltaqua and one from the voluntary association "Civici Xirbi".

Caltanissetta: operazione "Fontanelle" per fornire 68 mila litri di acqua a più di 100 utenze che da decine di giorni sono a secco a causa della crisi idrica 2

The operation, called “Fontanelle”, is coordinated on the territory by the director of the Caltanissetta service of the regional Civil Protection, Filippo Spagnolo, and by the mayor of Caltanissetta, Walter Tesauro, who this morning issued the ordinance for the distribution of water for non-food purposes, as a precaution.

Also present on site were the technicians from Reclamation Consortium 4 who manage the network. Numerous Civil Protection volunteers are involved, distributed across seven pick-ups equipped with 400 liter tanks each, belonging to the organizations of Caltanissetta, Niscemi, Gela, Resuttano, Bompensiere, Milena, Montedoro and Campofranco.

Caltanissetta: operazione "Fontanelle" per fornire 68 mila litri di acqua a più di 100 utenze che da decine di giorni sono a secco a causa della crisi idrica

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