Brescia, the SPACE UP project wins the regional tender “Giovani Smart 2.0”
In Brescia, the SPACE UP project wins the regional tender by offering four actions to involve young people in the promotion of non-violent communication and in the enhancement of public spaces through artistic and cultural activities.
Brescia, the SPACE UP project wins the regional tender “Giovani Smart 2.0”.
The project SPACE UP ranked third among the winning projects in the “GIOVANI SMART (SPORT MUSIC ART) 2.0” call for proposals by the Lombardy Region. The project is being implemented by a partnership composed of Ass. ADL a Zavidovici (lead body); Cooperativa La Rete; Ass. CARME and the Municipality of Brescia.
The announcement, which provides actions and resources dedicated to the youth segment, makes it possible to continue the path started with the General States of Youth organized by the Municipality of Brescia in May 2024.
From November 2024 to August 2025, laboratory, artistic and in-depth activities will be activated that focus on youth leadership. The target is represented by young people between 20 and 34 years old, who will be involved in activities to imagine public spaces in a new way, think about positive practices of living in them and transform them through different artistic and communicative forms. according to an idea of an increasingly multicultural and inclusive city.
The objectives:
• improve active listening and nonviolent communication practices;
• promote the creation of accessible and welcoming public spaces;
• foster a sense of belonging and social cohesion among young people in communities,
• encourage the participation of young people in the management of common spaces and with cultural and recreational activities.
• produce a communication campaign visible to the greatest possible number of citizens.
These objectives contribute to create more cohesive and inclusive communities, valorizing young people who walk through public spaces and participate in their management, reducing conflict and promoting positive practices of intergenerational and interethnic coexistence. To achieve each of these objectives, different activities have been developed by the various partners involved in the project. These activities involve different aspects of communication and public spaces, and try to use various art forms and spread as much as possible in different neighborhoods of the city.
The actions designed to achieve the objectives are spread over a period of 10 months and for each action there will be quantitative and qualitative monitoring with respect to its effectiveness and the objectives to be achieved.
The first action, organized by ADL in Zavidovici, includes the activation of a nonviolent and inclusive communication laboratory, divided into 3 meetings that will take place at MO.CA on 4 and 16 December 2024 and 9 January 2025. The meetings will explore both the theoretical bases for recognizing hate speech, using tools such as the Pyramid of Hate and Rosenberg's principles of Nonviolent Communication, and the active practices with which to counter these speeches. The expected output is the creation of a toolkit on nonviolent communication. The meetings will be led by Debora Barletta, national coordinator of the No Hate Speech Movement and vice-president of APICE, an agency that promotes youth participation in Europe, supported by ADL operators in Zavidovici.
The second action, led by the partner Coop. La Rete, is developed in two workshops of three meetings each: one on media literacy and one that aims to artistically represent the experiences felt by participants in crossing and living in public spaces. The first, divided into 3 2-hour meetings, aims to increase the skills of young people with respect to the messages conveyed by the media to improve their practical skills on the use of these channels. The second workshop, which will be divided into 3 meetings of 3 hours, proposed in two editions to two different groups, aims instead to make young people experience the spaces of the neighborhoods by recording their impressions with the aim of providing them with the skills to create an artistic graphic product on the experience. The final output will be a photographic exhibition to be held in the Hall Milano 140 and the UAU library.
The third action, headed by the CARME Cultural Association, is structured as an artistic-creative laboratory and includes 3 meetings of 3 hours each, to transform the experiences and contents developed during the project into artistic and graphic contents. The focus will be on the artistic forms of street art, making use of the collaboration of local writers and street artists who will help participants in creating the works to be exhibited. The next laboratory moment will therefore concern the co-design of an ad hoc exhibition, which will be held in the CARME spaces.
The fourth action aims to produce and promote an awareness campaign to be developed online and offline in city spaces. The campaign will take inspiration from previous workshops and two final workshops are planned, in the Carme space, aimed at creating the awareness campaign and the creation of the promotional material. The final result will therefore be the launch of a communication campaign aimed at countering hate speech and representing an increasingly inclusive city.
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