Brescia: The Municipality wins the 2024 Sport and Suburbs Call, winning 1 million euros to be allocated to the “Azzurri d'Italia” Multipurpose Center
winning a tender
Brescia: The Municipality wins the 2024 Sport and Suburbs Call, winning 1 million euros to be allocated to the “Azzurri d'Italia” Multipurpose Center
The Municipality of Brescia has won the 2024 Sport and Suburbs Call for Proposals from the Department for Sport of the Central Government, securing 1 million euros to be allocated to the “Azzurri d'Italia” multipurpose sports center in via Nullo. The Municipality was found to be within the maximum permitted range for the expected band (Municipalities with a population greater than 100.000 and up to 300.000 inhabitants). The municipal contribution required by the tender, equal to 15% of the allocation, will be added to the ministerial resources.
The state call is aimed at promoting the development of sports infrastructures to foster inclusion and social cohesion, individual and community well-being in various territories, improving the quality of life, combating sedentary lifestyle and degradation, with safer and more accessible facilities. The Municipality of Brescia wanted to nominate the Multipurpose Center in via Nullo for the tender in response to these requirements.
The project , which will start with the signing of the agreement with the Department for Sport, which will be followed by the planning activities, the administrative activities of assigning the works and, finally, those of carrying out the works, plans to intervene on a sports facility that, after years of activity, shows signs of deterioration and requires necessary regulatory compliance. The aim of the intervention is to modernise the facilities and make them more usable and accessible for all sporting activities that can be practiced in the facility., also in order to further enhance the competitive activity, as expressly requested by the announcement.
In particular, the works will consist of replacing the sports flooring and the current wooden covering of the grandstand seats, adapting the parapets, waterproofing to resolve infiltration problems, replacing all the windows and doors, overhauling the electrical and ventilation system, replacing the current lamps with LED lights, installing a photovoltaic system and arranging the external area - currently exposed to degradation - with the supply and installation of hedges.
The accessory areas for the spaces dedicated to sports activities will also be redone, so as to ensure better usability also for the benefit of people with disabilities. The project also includes the supply of new sports furniture. In this way, the city will be given back a completely renovated facility capable of hosting and enhancing the sports practice promoted by a significant number of sports organizations. To date, in the multipurpose hall on Via Nullo in At a competitive level, rhythmic gymnastics is practiced (ASD Ginnastica Victoria Brescia), women's handball (AS-.D. Leonessa Brescia Handball 2010), and women's volleyball (ASDGSO Badia).
The same associations also offer introductory courses. Then we practice sports at amateur level mainly soccer and baskin. This last discipline is included among inclusive sports and was introduced in the city by ExtraPass, a sports organization composed of former basketball players, who involved the world of disability in the city, as well as in the neighborhood: the social cooperative ONLUS La Mongolfiera, the socio-educational center CSE San Giuseppe, the ASD Non solo Sport.
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