Brescia: the Guardia di Finanza intensifies controls on the production, trade and possession of fireworks in view of New Year's Eve

Intensified controls on the production, trade and possession of pyrotechnic devices. Approximately 800 kg of illegally held fireworks and 391 "deadly" homemade devices were seized. Four people were reported, one of whom was arrested.

Brescia: the Guardia di Finanza intensifies controls on the production, trade and possession of fireworks in view of New Year's Eve

As part of a intensified action to combat the illicit phenomenon of illegal fireworks trade, the financiers of the Brescia Group have carried out some targeted interventions to verification of the correct marketing of pyrotechnic articles, monitoring the market implemented also by private citizens through the web and social networks in order to intercept the sales channels of the products most dangerous for public health.

Brescia: la Guardia di Finanza intensifica i controlli su produzione, commercio e detenzione di artifici pirotecnici in vista della notte di Capodanno

In this context, the activities carried out towards a subject resident in Sarezzo (BS) they allowed to submit to Criminal seizure of 316 homemade explosive devices with “lethal/deadly” potential and 200 kg of fireworks put on sale through various social channels without the required authorizations and without the required precautions for the safe custody of the explosive material being respected. In this regard, the police activities carried out, in addition to having brought to light the explosive potential of the devices, have allowed to ascertain that all the explosive material was stored in a cellar located in a high-density residential complex, together with several LPG gas cylinders which, in the event of a fire or following an accidental triggering, could have caused harm to the people living there.

Further investigations allowed the reconstruction of a parallel circuit of marketing of illegal explosive devices held, for the purpose of subsequent resale, in the absence of the required authorizations, allowing the seizure, in a private residence belonging to a subject resident in the province of Naples, of a further 77 fireworks (for an equivalent of 220 kg).

Interventions were also carried out at private homes located in Sirmione (BS) and Palazzolo sull'Oglio (BS) and allowed the seizure of a total of 376 kg of fireworks intended for sale without the required licenses and a further 75 explosive products not recognized or classified by the Ministry of the Interior, in violation of public safety regulations.

Brescia: la Guardia di Finanza intensifica i controlli su produzione, commercio e detenzione di artifici pirotecnici in vista della notte di Capodanno

At the end of the activities carried out, they were 4 responsible individuals reported to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Brescia, in various capacities, gods crimes of illegal trade in explosive materials and failure to report explosive materials, of which one arrested in flagrante delicto for the possession and sale of rudimentary "lethal" explosive devices, i.e. characterised byhigh lethal potential for people and public safety.

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