Brescia: Sport al Parco, the initiative that allowed citizens to practice sports activities, freely and free of charge, inside the parks

The 2024 edition of Sport al Parco, the event organized by the Department of Participation of the Municipality of Brescia, which allowed citizens to practice sports activities, freely and free of charge, inside the parks, ended very positively.

Brescia: Sport al Parco is an initiative that allowed citizens to practice sports activities, freely and free of charge, inside the parks.

The 2024 edition of Sports in the Park, the event organized by the Department of Participation of the Municipality of Brescia that allowed citizens to practice sports activities, freely and free of charge, inside the parks.

From June 3rd to August 3rd, in fact, there were approx The total attendance recorded was 9.500, constantly increasing compared to previous years (8.888 in 2023 and 6.760 in 2022).

Brescia: Sport al Parco l'iniziativa che ha consentito ai cittadini di praticare attività sportive, in forma libera e gratuita, all’interno dei parchi 3

Among the 55 weekly events - divided into the 21 city parks, the Parco delle cave and the Parco delle colline - in addition to the consolidated disciplines (such as gymnastics for adults and the elderly, Tai Chi, Pilates and Nordic Walking) in the 2024 edition two new activities have been proposed: the Sup and the Dragonboat. The response from the public was excellent: around 236 people attended the Canneto Park to experience these water sports with a strong recreational attraction.

But that wasn't the only novelty. This year, in fact, the people of Brescia were able to benefit from two new spaces: these are the “Margherita Bravi” park in via Torricella di Sotto, where Pilates was practiced by almost 300 people, and the Viridarium in Santa Giulia, where over 500 people practiced Tai Chi. The courses were managed by the Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Liberavventura and Uisp Brescia.

Brescia: Sport al Parco l'iniziativa che ha consentito ai cittadini di praticare attività sportive, in forma libera e gratuita, all’interno dei parchi 2

“The value of this initiative is not exclusively of a sporting nature”, stated the Councilor for Participation Valter Muchetti.

“Physical activity in city green spaces, in fact, is not only good for health but allows people to make new friends and socialise: it is therefore a very valid tool for making neighborhoods more lively, more participatory and safer. Because of this, in the coming years, we want to do even more, expanding the Sport al Parco schedule: a now consolidated summer event which, in recent years, has increasingly received the consent of our fellow citizens".

Brescia: Sport al Parco l'iniziativa che ha consentito ai cittadini di praticare attività sportive, in forma libera e gratuita, all’interno dei parchi

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