Brescia: He pretends to be a dentist, but he is a dental technician. 70-year-old reported

The NAS Carabinieri discover and seize an illegal dental practice.

Brescia: He pretends to be a dentist, but he is a dental technician. 70-year-old reported.

The dental practice was advertised by a visible plaque placed on the entrance door, which it referred to a non-existent health authorization, and conducted by a self-styled dentist, none other than a dental technician, who, over time, had acquired good experience in dental practices and made dentistry his profession.

It was they who discovered the fake dentist the Carabinieri of the Anti-Adulteration and Health Unit of Brescia.
When they knocked on the door of the studio they had little doubt that they would find themselves faced with the most classic of cases healthcare abuse: the checks that usually precede the inspections of the Special Department of the Army, in fact, had revealed the total anonymity of the structure and the doctor.

And so the self-styled doctor turned out to be a seventy-year-old dental technician from Brescia and the people present were his regular patients.

The clinic was seized. Maintained in precarious hygienic conditions and conducted without respecting an instrument sterilization protocol, inside there were two dental stations and numerous drugs (among them, various anesthetics by now expired of validity). Investigators also found the diary used to mark appointments. The patients' testimony will allow us to define the details of the suspect's conduct.

Brescia: si finge dentista, ma è un odontotecnico. Denunciato 70enne

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