Brescia: 5 investigated for fraudulent bankruptcy, over 3.000.000 Euros seized
This morning, a precautionary custody order issued by the GIP at the Court of Brescia was executed against 5 individuals, for whom the preventive seizure of financial resources and assets for over 650.000 euros was also ordered.
Brescia: 5 investigated for fraudulent bankruptcy, over 3.000.000 Euros seized
This morning, the personnel of the Economic and Financial Police Unit of the Guardia di Finanza and the Carabinieri Company of Brescia executed a precautionary custody order issued by the GIP at the Court of Brescia against 5 individuals, for whom the preventive seizure of financial resources and assets for over 650.000 euros was also ordered.
The complex investigation, coordinated by the local Public Prosecutor's Office - District Anti-Mafia Directorate, began in 2021 with the monitoring of some individuals, believed to be close to contexts of organised crime of 'Ndrangheta origin, who allegedly acquired, through a Swiss company, ownership of a Brescia-based company operating in the livestock sector, depleting it of its capital and therefore determining a bankruptcy procedure.
Specifically, the predatory activity attributed to individuals of Calabrian origin, together with entrepreneurs operating in northern Italy and an accountant from the province of Monza – Brianza, was characterised by thepurchase of real estate intended for individuals linked by family ties to the promoters of the criminal plan, the use of luxury cars as well as the acquisition of financial resources on prepaid credit cards issued by a Swiss financial platform.
In particular, the subjects involved in the criminal project, in addition to having squandered the company's assets, they would also have availed themselves of state-guaranteed financing amounting to over 1.700.000 euros and obtained an advance on commercial credit from banking institutions originating from invoices for "non-existent" transactions, for a value of approximately 400.000 euros.
The GIP of the Court of Brescia issued, following the investigations, 5 personal precautionary measures against the same number of suspects, of which 2 in prison, 2 placed under house arrest and 1 subjected to the ban on carrying out businesses and taking up managerial positions in companies. It was also arranged that seizure, aimed at confiscation for equivalent, for a total amount of over 650.000, as proceeds of the alleged illicit conduct. The Public Prosecutor's Office of Brescia has also issued a emergency preventive seizure of sums of money and financial assets totalling over 2.500.000 euros as well as shares in a company involved.
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