Brescia: writer caught red-handed reported at large
The man was reported at large for violating art. 639 paragraph 2 of the Penal Code against defacement and soiling of other people's property (a crime prosecutable ex officio).
Brescia: writer caught red-handed reported at large.
A patrol of the Brescia Local Police on duty near the Spedali Civili noticed a person who was writing with a spray can on the wall of the hospital area.
The writings that the man was busy sketching were approximately two metres by two metres in size and had been done with non-washable coloured paint.
The man was immediately stopped and taken to the Via Donegani Command for identification. Once identified, the subject turned out to be a person already known to the police since he had already been reported for other similar behaviors.
The man was reported at large for violating art. 639 paragraph 2 of the Penal Code against defacement and soiling of other people's property (a crime prosecutable ex officio).
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