San Giorgio del Sanno, nightlife checks: two drug reports
The Carabinieri have intensified checks in the areas where nightlife is mainly concentrated and have reported a 16-year-old and a 33-year-old as users of narcotic substances, as they were found in possession of hashish.
San Giorgio del Sanno (Benevento), nightlife checks: two reports for drugs
Preventive control activity continues to produce positive results carried out by the military of the Benevento Carabinieri Company. Within the relevant jurisdiction, in particular in the territory of San Giorgio del Sannio, On Friday evening, a high-impact control of the area was set up with intensified services, in order to guarantee the safe carrying out of all economic and social activities.
The controls, included in the services arranged by the Provincial Command of Benevento for safe nightlife, were aimed at guaranteeing citizens a greater perception of safety and contribute to responsible entertainment for many young people in the evening/night hours, especially in the main squares and in the places most frequented by young people.
I militar busy, both in uniform and in civilian clothes, have identified numerous people e checked vehicles even with the support of the breathalyzer, to prevent the phenomenon of driving under the influence of alcohol.
Le patrols located in the various areas of the Municipality of San Giorgio del Sannio they also carried out a thorough check against the phenomenon of the so-called baby gangs e of drug dealing.
In particular:
1- a local sixteen year old, considering his suspicious attitude, was checked in the residential centero and reported to the competent Administrative Authority, as a drug user, since found in possession of a cellophane wrapper containing approximately 6 g. of hashish, subsequently placed under seizure;
2- un thirty-three year old of Belarusian nationality, but resident in the Province, subjected to a personal search, was found in possession of approximately 2 gr. of hashish, placed under seizure. The man was also reported to the Administrative Authority, as a drug user.
The controls that had a significant impact on the population, mostly on the youth level, they will be constant and intensified also in the days to follow and throughout the summer period, especially in places of the so-called nightlife throughout the territory of competence of the Benevento Company, for stem the phenomenon of drug dealing and alcohol abuse by young people, always ensuring healthy and responsible fun.
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