Montesarchio: extraordinary checks by the Carabinieri in the workplace, administrative violations amounting to €4.450,00 imposed
A total of six fines totaling €11.817,00 were contested.
Montesarchio: extraordinary checks by the Carabinieri in the workplace, administrative violations amounting to €4.450,00 were imposed.
The Carabinieri of the Montesarchio Company (BN), together with personnel from the CC Tutela del Lavoro Group of Naples and the Carabinieri Inspectorate of Benevento, as part of the extraordinary surveillance aimed at verifying the correct application of the regulations on safety in the workplace and the fight against exploitation of labor and undeclared work, have carried out a series of checks on construction sites located within the territory of competence.
In particular, following the inspection activities, in Ceppaloni (BN) and Arpaise (BN), military personnel from the local CC Station Command together with NIL personnel reported two entrepreneurs and a technician to the competent Judicial Authority, at liberty, for a series of irregularities found.
Specifically, the presence of illegal workers was ascertained on a construction site in Arpaise (BN), workers who had moreover never been initiated into training or health surveillance while in a construction site set up in Ceppaloni (BN), in addition to the Safety and Coordination Plan drawn up in the absence of the minimum required contents, the employer had not implemented what was foreseen in the Construction Site Safety Operations Plan.
In the context of the same checks, a total of six fines amounting to €11.817,00 (eleven thousand eight hundred and seventeen) were contested, administrative violations amounting to €4.450,00 (four thousand four hundred and fifty) were imposed and the suspension of work was ordered for the construction site which had undeclared workers.
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