Benevento, Sunday 5 June third appointment with WWF Oasis Days

Benevento, Sunday 5 June third appointment with WWF Oasis Days.

In the third appointment of this year with the WWF Oasis Days al Lake of Campolattaro, wetland between Campolattaro and Morcone, the day of June 5th is dedicated to pollinators.

The reduction of pollinating insects represents a important factorand risk for agriculture, in fact their loss could significantly increase the cost of production of some crops.

About a third of the food consumed by humans comes from plants pollinated by wild pollinators. Beyond 100.000 different species of animals – including bats, bees, flies, butterflies, beetles and birds – provide pollination services, both for natural ecosystems and for "secondary" ones created by man.

In Europe, pollinators are predominantly bees and hoverflies, but also farfsalle, moths, some beetles And washes.

The Western honey bee (apis mellifera) is the best known species, used by beekeepers for the production of honey and other products such as: propolis, royal jelly and wax. I am in Italy 288 indigenous species of diurnal Lepidoptera are present.

Many key species are pollinators subject to an ever-growing threatescente due to a variety of human disturbances such as habitat destruction and degradation, the spread of pesticides, the spread of diseases and pests, climate change, invasive plants and competition with pollinators non-natives.

Intensive agriculture is the cause across Europe the loss of around 40% of plant species and the squeezes relationships between the vegetal component and pollinating insects suggest that these also exist a corresponding loss of species.

In 2018 the Italian IUCN Committee drew up the Red List of Apoidea: in total there are 151 species of native bees in Italy for which there is sufficient data and evidence of decline and 34 those with different levels of threat.

Sunday, which also coincides with the world environment day proclaimed by United Nations, will begin in the Samnite Oasis with a presentation of the theme and the activities carried out by the association to raise awareness and protect pollinating insects, especially the recent one initiative of theurban apiary of Benevento concocted together with Rotary and the Municipal Administration. Guided tours of the area will follow protected.

It will then be possible to enjoy a snack-lunch with typical local products. In the afternoon, at 18:00, on interactive concert by Savior Cecere, with the tool hand pan.

Entrance to the Oases is free on the occasion of Oasis Day. For other activities (consumption, musical show) is a contribution is requested to support the Association, which he currently manages the area without any financial support. It is advisable to book to allow volunteers to manage alevents better.

The detailed programs of the WWF Oasis days samnite are available on websites and social channels of the Association and the Oases, on Facebook ed Instagram:

In addition to wonderful places, the Oases are WWF's largest conservation project in Italy, from over 50 years: from the first, historic Oasis of Lake Burano in Tuscany to the 100 current areas, the WWF oases play a central role in defending thousands of species, do education in nature and promote one development truly sustainable.

THECampolattaro Lake Oasis it is an important wetland (EU Special Protection Area) around theartificial reservoir of the Tammaro. The environment is characterized by hygrophilous forest of willows,poplars and alders, marshy areas with common reeds and cattails, mixed forests of turkey oaks and downy oaks with maples, flowering ashes, rowans and hornbeams, The meadow environments on medium hills.

Among expanses of broom, daffodils, violets, daisies and many orchids. The birdlife is very rich, with at least 100 nesting species and the same number ofstep or wintering: the nest colony of herons and cormorants (so-called “herronage”) è between land more important of southern Italy and hosts, moreover, also great crested grebe, coot, piro piro small, Mallard; around bee-eater, shrikee, kites and many other species.

Numerous even mammals, among which the otter stands out, but the biodiversity of the oasis is continuously increasing due to the slow evolution of the landscape throughout the area expropriated for the construction of the reservoir.

Benevento, domenica 5 giugno terzo appuntamento con Giornate delle Oasi WWF

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