Benevento: Drug possession and dealing, 40-year-old repeat offender arrested

drug dealer arrested

Benevento: Drug possession and dealing, 40-year-old repeat offender arrested

Benevento returns to the centre of attention in the fight against dealing of narcotic substances. The Carabinieri of the Benevento Company have carried out an important operation that led to the arrest of a 40-year-old local man, already known to the police, seriously suspected of the crime of possession of narcotics for the purpose of dealing. The operation was triggered after aintense investigative activity which allowed, after a long shadowing by the military of the Operational and Radiomobile Nucleus, to identify an operational base, in the centre of the city, used for the packaging and storage of the narcotic.

In particular, the man had found an abandoned house, located in the railway station area of ​​the Sannio capital, to manage their illicit trafficking. The man surprised by the arrival of the military, was found while he was packaging doses of cocaine with the aid of a precision scale. In an attempt to get rid of drugs, The 40-year-old tried to throw away the doses, but without success. During the activity, the Carabinieri have a significant quantity of drugs was found and seized, hidden in various areas of the house: five blocks of hashish were found inside the bathroom drain, another three blocks and a large package containing cocaine they had been hidden in the window bin of the same room, also seized over 3200 euros in cash, divided into banknotes of various denominations.

Overall, approximately 700 grams of hashish and 155 grams of cocaine were seized., ready to be placed on the drug market of the Sannio capital. The 40-year-old, arrested in the act of the crime of possession for the purpose of dealing drugs, was transferred to the Benevento District Prison, as ordered by the magistrate on duty of the Benevento Public Prosecutor's Office. The Judicial Authority has emphasized that, since the criminal proceedings are still in the preliminary investigation phase, the suspect must be considered innocent until a final conviction is issued.

This arrest is part of a broader strategic plan of the Provincial Command of the Carabinieri of Benevento, aimed at combating drug trafficking that affects various areas of the city and the province. The operation demonstrates the constant commitment of the police forces in ensuring the safety of the territory, protecting the health and safety of citizens, especially the youngest, those most exposed to the danger posed by drug trafficking. The fight against drug dealing remains a priority, with targeted actions that confirm the determination of the force to combat an increasingly widespread and dangerous phenomenon for the community.

Benevento: Detenzione e spaccio di stupefacenti, arrestato 40enne recidivo

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