Benevento: 70 Carabinieri patrols deployed on the territory for Ferragosto. 400 vehicles and 500 people checked

On the occasion of the August bank holiday, the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Benevento has further intensified its territorial control services throughout the day throughout the province, in areas usually visited by tourists and hikers, in places of "movida" and in peripheral areas.

Benevento: 70 Carabinieri patrols deployed on the territory for Ferragosto. 400 vehicles and 500 people checked.

On the occasion of the mid-August holiday, the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Benevento has further intensified its territorial control services throughout the day throughout the entire province, in areas usually visited by tourists and excursionists, in places of nightlife and in peripheral areas. Maximum attention was also paid to the numerous events, parties, festivals and entertainment which have already attracted many people in various areas of Sannio in recent days.

Overall they were over 70 patrols of the Carabinieri Stations and the Operational and Mobile Radio Units were deployed throughout the provincial territory, in order to guarantee the safety of the citizens of Sannio and the numerous tourists who spent the August bank holiday in the province of Benevento.

Benevento: per il Ferragosto impiegate sul territorio 70 pattuglie dei Carabinieri. Controllati 400 veicoli e 500 persone2

Maximum presence was guaranteed on the main road arteries affected by August August traffic, with numerous checkpoints during which the Carabinieri They checked about 400 vehicles and 500 people, contesting 28 violations of the Highway Code, with 3 licences withdrawn and 6 vehicles subjected to administrative seizure because they were circulating without an MOT. The Carabinieri patrols also carried out numerous checks byand the use of "breathalyzers" to combat driving under the influence of alcohol, without however detecting any violations. Furthermore, there was no lack of interventions by the Carabinieri to assist road users involved in minor road accidents or stranded due to mechanical failures.

Extraordinary territorial control services they will also continue in the next few days to guarantee safety and serenity for residents and holidaymakers.

And for a safer summer, the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Benevento advises citizens to immediately report suspicious noises coming from nearby homes to "112", sespecially when you know that the neighbors are not at home, or the movement of unknown people wandering around the condominiums, in order to guarantee the prompt intervention of patrols to prevent home burglaries and scams against the elderly.

Benevento: per il Ferragosto impiegate sul territorio 70 pattuglie dei carabinieri. Controllati 400 veicoli e 500 persone

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