Benevento, a safer year thanks to the services of the Carabinieri
The last days of the year have always been an opportunity to provide a balance of the prevention and repression activities carried out by the Carabinieri
Benevento, a safer year thanks to the services of the Carabinieri
The last days of the year have always been an opportunity to provide a balance of the prevention and repression activities carried out by the Carabinieri in the various territories of competence but also provide the opportunity to express a dutiful thanks on behalf of the Commander of the Legion to the over 8 thousand Carabinieri present in the 356 Stations and Tenancies and 46 Companies of the 5 Provincial Commands, who during 2024, with a high spirit of sacrifice and sense of duty, have contributed to raising the level of security in the territories of competence.
The Commander of the Legion extends a grateful and thoughtful thought to Mar. Francesco Pastore and Car. Francesco Ferraro, who lost their lives on April 6 during a territory control service. A warm greeting to the families of other soldiers who died from illnesses and natural causes and a warm embrace to the many soldiers wounded in service during the year.
In this circumstance, it is appropriate to underline some significant figures that citizens do not know. It is quite shocking to note that over 112 million calls have been received by the 1 Provincial Commands of the Carabinieri. These are calls for interventions of all kinds, even for children and elderly people in difficulty. No one knows that in the year that is ending, hundreds of women have asked for the help of the Carabinieri to put an end to harassment and domestic violence: almost all of these cases, thanks to the intervention of the Carabinieri, do not reach a court of law. All the operational components located in the territory - from the patrols of the Stations, to the "gazelles" of the Nuclei Radiomobili - have done their utmost to respond to the needs of the community, increasing their presence in the territory.
In line with the directives of the General Command of the Carabinieri, particular attention has therefore been paid to combating all forms of gender violence, fraud against the elderly and juvenile crime; and it is precisely to young people that the Carabinieri, also and above all in 2025, will continue to turn their attention, since, as written in the 2025 Carabinieri Calendar, "If there is a time in life that should never be wasted, it is the time we talk to young people“, which are our future. In fact, The activities of the force are not limited to interventions following the commission of crimes, but are complemented by constant and widespread initiatives in schools, such as the "culture of legality" project aimed at students, that the Commanders on the territory approach to explore the issues of most direct interest to them. This year, there were 713 meetings in schools with approximately 83.000 students participating, where topics such as road safety, drug-related harm, the dangers of the web and cyber bullying were discussed.
This last aspect is particularly relevant for the youth world. Considering that modern crime exploits advanced technologies such as the dark web, malware and cryptophones for illicit activities, hindering the identification of the perpetrators, the Carabinieri, with the specialized “Cyber Investigation” sections, trained at the Institute of Investigative Techniques of Velletri, counters these threats with advanced technologies and methodologies. Particular attention is therefore paid to protecting minors from the dangers of the Internet, such as cyberbullying, harmful content and exploitation. Through the aforementioned meetings in schools, the Carabinieri raise awareness among students and teachers, promoting safe navigation. International collaboration and the support of digital providers complete the strategy to guarantee safety and legality in cyberspace.
As regards the province of Benevento, in 2024, compared to 2023, there was a decrease in crimes in general (-9%), thefts (-2%) and frauds (-5%). On the other hand, there was a slight increase in home thefts (+8%), mainly committed in the evening time slot and in rural settlements, often isolated and characterized by poor public lighting, absence of alarm systems and video surveillance.
To combat the resurgence of home burglaries, theintensification of territorial control services in the municipalities most affected by the phenomenon, through the average use of 66 patrols per day which, since the beginning of the year, have checked over 120 thousand vehicles and people, with the aim of intercepting individuals engaged in illicit activities.
To further strengthen the prevention system of the Carabinieri, from November until Epiphany, the Provincial Carabinieri Command of Benevento has at its disposal a quota of soldiers from the Operational Intervention Teams of the 10th Carabinieri Regiment "Campania" of Naples, sent by the General Command of the Carabinieri Corps on the proposal of the Commander of the Campania Carabinieri Legion. The Operational Intervention Teams, better known by the acronym SIO, are teams formed in some mobile Regiments in order to have adequate reinforcement contingents, to allow the territorial Commands of the Carabinieri to implement extraordinary services of territorial control and resolve emerging critical issues in the situation of public order and safety in specific areas of the country.
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