Montesarchio, weekend checks: three arrests and four reports for possession of narcotic substances

Over the weekend, the Carabinieri of Montesarchio carried out a control operation aimed at combating common crime, drug dealing and controlling road traffic. The service involved the various districts of the municipalities of Montesarchio, in the province of Benevento.

Montesarchio (Benevento), weekend checks: three arrests and four reports for possession of narcotic substances

A vast and diversified territorial control operation conducted over the weekend by the Carabinieri of the Montesarchio Company, aimed at combating common crime, drug dealing and controlling road traffic.

The service affected both the city streets and the more peripheral areas of the various districts of the municipalities of Montesarchio, San Leucio del Sannio, Pannarano and Apollosa. The activity, which saw the use of 31 self-assembled crews made up of 62 soldiers employed by the Company, made it possible to check 187 people of operational interest and 138 vehicles, carry out 7 searches, raise 5 traffic violators, carry out 1 administrative seizure , thus contributing to raising citizens' sense of security and trust in the institutions.

During info-investigative activity, a forty-year-old from Pannarano (Benevento) he was arrested because he was found in possession of weapons with abraded and/or missing serial numbers and ammunition illegally detained at his home and at the disposal of the Judicial Authority he was subjected to the house arrest regime.

In this context, in the early hours of dawn Sunday morning, was drawn into I arrest a young man from Benevento but resident in Leucio del Sannio (Benevento) because caught carrying out an arson attack on the shutter of a betting shop in the aforementioned municipality, putting public and private safety at risk. The investigative activity made it possible to identify without a shadow of a doubt the offender, who, upon order of the Judicial Authority, was subjected to the house arrest regime.

During the control of the territory in the Municipality of Apollosa (Benevento), it was stopped a man who due to his attitude made the military personnel suspicious and they extended the I also check at your home, where a precision scale and were found several doses of a narcotic substance of the "hashish" type” ready to be sold. Conducted at the Company's offices was arrested for possession for the purpose of dealing drugs and at the disposal of the Judicial Authority subjected to the house arrest regime.

In conclusion, They were reported to the Prefecture of Benevento, which drug users, 4 people between 20 and 32 years old. Seized several doses of hashish and crack.

The measures carried out are precautionary measures disposed during the preliminary investigation, against which appeals are permitted and the recipients of the same are people subjected to investigations and therefore presumed innocent until a final sentence is reached.Montesarchio, controlli nel weekend :tre arresti e tre segnalazioni per detenzione di sostanze stupefacenti

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