Benevento, towards strengthening the cycle network
Inauguration of the Lungosabato Bacchelli cycle-pedestrian path and the Via dei Mulini cycle path – Porta Rufina station
Benevento, towards strengthening the cycle network
At the entrance of the Pagliuca bridge located on Lungosabato Bacchelli, the ribbon cutting ceremony took place which officially inaugurated the Lungosabato Bacchelli cycle-pedestrian path and the Via dei Mulini – Porta Rufina station cycle path.
The two works - as was underlined during the ceremony - represent a further and precious piece that adds to the city's cycle network. A network in line both with the needs of increasingly green mobility and with a view to the desired energy savings also dictated by the new geopolitical and economic scenarios currently underway.
Finally, it should be remembered that the works for the construction and connection of the cycle paths on Lungosabato Bacchelli were financed by the Ministry of the Interior with an amount of 170.000,00 euros, while the works for the construction of the cycle path via dei Mulini - Porta Rufina station were financed by the Ministry of Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility with an amount of 210.036,48 euros.
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