Benevento: Increase in traffic for travel preceding the Christmas holidays, one reported

Four cars seized and fines over ten thousand euros.

Benevento: Increased traffic for travel preceding the Christmas holidays, one person reported.

The approaching Christmas holidays see an increase in traffic on the roads and the consequent increase in their danger.

The Carabinieri of the Cerreto Sannita Company (BN), have intensified controls, coordinating patrols in the field especially on the main communication arteries with the Province of Caserta, proceeding in the last week to the control of n. 572 vehicles and n. 736 people, contesting 23 violations of the Highway Code, for a total of € 10.259 of fines issued, together with the subtraction of twenty points on the licenses, one of which suspended and carrying out four seizures and two administrative detentions of vehicles.
In particular, the majority of violations found are those that most frequently generate road accidents, such as failure to undergo mandatory inspection, driving at an inadequate speed, overtaking a vehicle already engaged in an overtaking maneuver, failure to use seat belts, using a cell phone while driving, and lack of mandatory insurance.

Finally, a thirty-five year old local man was caught driving a powerful car without insurance, without ever having obtained a driving license.

The Carabinieri immediately reported the man to the Judicial Authorities and seized the car he was driving.

Benevento: aumento della circolazione stradale per gli spostamenti che precedono le festività natalizie, un denunciato.

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