Airola: grew marijuana on his home soil, arrested
437 marijuana plants were found in full inflorescence, kept in the right humidity and irrigation.
Airola: grew marijuana on his home soil, arrested.
During the territorial control services aimed at preventing drug-related crimes, coordinated by the Provincial Command of Benevento, the Carabinieri of the Montesarchio Carabinieri Company, together with the Carabinieri Forestali Unit of the headquarters, this morning, arrested in flagrante delicto a 49 year old from Airola, already known to the police, as he cultivated cannabis indica plants in the land adjacent to his home.
The careful investigations conducted by the soldiers of the Samnite Army led to the carrying out of a house search which made it possible to find, within the relevant land, a real plantation with 437 marijuana plants in full inflorescence, maintained in the right humidity and irrigation.
Inside the house, however, 17 kg of already dried narcotic substance were found, as well as various material used for packaging and preparing doses of narcotic, already ready to be placed on the market for subsequent sale.
After proceeding with the kidnapping, on the orders of the PM on duty the man was arrested and subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest at his home.
The provision carried out today is a precautionary measure ordered during preliminary investigations, subject to validation by the Judicial Authority, against which appeals are permitted, and the recipient of the same is a person subjected to investigations and therefore presumed innocent until sentence definitive.
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