Belluno: two suspects for aggravated theft in the collection boxes of the Cathedral

The two were thus investigated for aggravated theft and unjustified possession of altered keys or lock picks, and referred to the Judicial Authority.

Belluno: two suspects for aggravated theft in the collection boxes of the Cathedral.

Via line 113 of the local Operations Center, a request for intervention came from the sacristan of the Belluno Cathedral.

The man reported that, while checking the boxes set up in the church for the collection of donations from the faithful, he noticed that they had probably been tampered with. He became suspicious and viewed the video surveillance cameras of the structure and actually noticed two suspicious people, so he immediately contacted the police.

Once on site, the operators discovered from the recordings that two men were fiddling with the cassettes in a suspicious manner, armed with a torch and blunt objects. Given the short period that elapsed from the time of the theft, the Volante immediately started looking for the men in the surrounding area and intercepted them in Piazza dei Martiri, not far from the scene of the crime.

The two men, the first Italian from the province of Caserta and the second Portuguese citizen, both effectively homeless in Italy, responded perfectly to the description of the two figures just viewed in the recordings.

The men, after a brief attempt to deny what had happened, realized the existence of the video that incriminated them, admitted to having carried out the theft using a self-made tool (later found in their backpack) by placing double-sided tape at the end of a string : the tape, inserted into the offering slot, collects coins and banknotes inside the box without noticeably damaging it.
Accompanied to the police station, banknotes worth €20, coins, two small torches, a multipurpose knife and various small screwdrivers were found on the two men.
The two were thus investigated pursuant to art. 625 of the criminal code (aggravated theft) and 707 of the criminal code (Unjustified possession of altered keys or lock picks) and referred to the Judicial Authority.

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