Belluno: safety and road checks

The first fines were raised after the changes to the Highway Code in force since 14 December 2024.

Belluno: safety and road checks

The commitment of the Belluno Local Police to ensure greater safety on the roads continues in 2025, also in light of the new laws that came into force starting from 14 December 2024. The changes to the legislation aim to improve road safety and reduce the number of accidents and it is with these objectives that the officers, in recent weeks, have patrolled the territory.

In fact, the first violations of these new regulations have recently been discovered. A young adult was fined while riding an electric scooter without wearing a helmet. In addition, the first short-term driving license suspension was issued to a driver who, having fewer than 20 points on his license, was caught driving without a seat belt on.

In the first case, the young man received an administrative fine of 50 euros (which drops to 35 euros if paid within 5 days), while in the second case the driver faced not only an administrative fine of 80 euros (58,10 euros if paid within 5 days) for failure to use a seat belt, but also a deduction of 5 points from his driving licence and its suspension for 7 days.

Belluno: sicurezza e controlli stradali

"These measures – comments the commander of the local police, Antonio Codemo – are part of a broader commitment to promote a culture of road safety and ensure compliance with the rules by all road users.".

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