Belluno, a man and a woman arrested for aggravated theft in competition

In the evening the Belluno and Pordenone Mobile Squads arrested a man and a woman, Peruvian citizens, with no fixed abode in the national territory, for aggravated theft in competition

Belluno, a man and a woman arrested for aggravated theft in competition

On the evening of December 3, the Belluno and Pordenone Mobile Squads arrested a man and a woman, Peruvian citizens, with no fixed abode in the country, for aggravated theft in competition.
In particular, On December 2nd, a robbery was perpetrated in Belluno inside a supermarket, to the detriment of an elderly woman. A few minutes after the predatory act, a fraudulent withdrawal of €1000 was made at a local ATM using the victim's ATM card.
The immediate investigations carried out by the Belluno Flying Squad allowed the identification of the faces of those responsible and the vehicle they used.

On the afternoon of December 3, the car used by the suspects was detected entering the city of Pordenone and therefore the two investigative offices began a joint shadowing service.
The two thieves initially went to a supermarket in the centre, where after they left, a theft involving a woman was reported. They then went to another supermarket, where the woman was seen by the police acting suspiciously near some of the shop's customers. As soon as they left the shop, the two Peruvians were stopped by the officers: the woman was found in possession of the wallet belonging to an 84-year-old woman who had been pickpocketed shortly before inside the same shop.

Belluno, un uomo e una donna arrestati per furto aggravato in concorso

The subsequent search of the vehicle used by the two individuals resulted in the discovery and seizure of the sum of €13.789 of various denominations that the suspects were unable to justify and 7 credit/debit cards, some registered under the man's various aliases.
Following photo-signalling, the two had already been expelled from the national territory with an expulsion decree issued by the Prefecture of Brescia and a simultaneous Order to leave the National Territory issued by the Police Chief of Brescia.
The two Peruvian citizens, both caught in the act of committing the crime of aggravated theft, were therefore arrested and, after completing the formalities, respectively taken to the Pordenone and Trieste prisons at the disposal of the Judicial Authorities.

During the investigations, the images recorded by the video surveillance system present at the first supermarket in Pordenone where the suspects had committed the predatory activity against another woman were also acquired and analyzed, which allowed to confirm that the aforementioned theft had also been committed by the two arrested Peruvians.

On Saturday the arrests were validated by the GIP of the Pordenone Court and the 2 suspects, who during questioning fully admitted their responsibilities, were subjected to the precautionary measure of prison custody.

Investigations are underway by the 2 Flying Squads in order to verify whether the couple, in addition to the confirmed thefts committed against the 3 women, have committed other similar episodes on the national territory in the last month.

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