Belluno: tourist bus stopped and fined for driving without insurance

The officers in fact stopped a tourist bus and from the checks it emerged that it was in circulation without insurance coverage, which had expired a few months earlier.

Belluno: tourist bus stopped and fined for driving without insurance.

Driving without insurance: tourist bus stopped by the Local Police of Belluno. This is what happened in recent days, during a routine road check carried out by the Local Police.

The officers in fact stopped a tourist bus and from the checks it emerged that it was in circulation without insurance coverage, which had expired a few months earlier.

At the time of the check there were no passengers on board.

Immediate notification pursuant to art. 193 of the Highway Code, with the related fine of 606,20 euros and the deduction of 5 points from the driving licence; the vehicle was immediately insured and the fine paid, therefore the vehicle was not seized.

“The intervention of the last few days was another valuable intervention by the officers of our Local Police, who have shown themselves to be attentive and constant in their monitoring of irregular conduct – explains the Commander of the Local Police, Antonio Codemo -. This is a very important activity, linked to control and prevention, which the Command is continuing to carry out with commitment and dedication, also thanks to the support of increasingly cutting-edge technological tools and a competent and trained staff. The checks continue daily and attention is also paid to other infringements such as failure to inspect or use seat belts or using a mobile phone while driving".

“The absence of vehicle insurance coverage – comments the Mayor, Oscar De Pellegrin – it is an extremely serious failure, which risks damaging the rights of the motorist and pedestrian in the event of accidents, as well as putting those who cause the accident in serious difficulty. Controls are necessary, but even more effective is the civic sense that each of us must implement to respect the rules of the Highway Code."

Belluno: circolava senza assicurazione, fermato e multato autobus turistico.

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