Belluno. 60-year-old threatens and insults his neighbor and then violates house arrest: arrested.

The man had been under house arrest since March. In recent days, he had uttered insults and threats towards a neighbor. At the end of the activities the man was taken to the local prison.

Belluno. 60-year-old threatens and insults his neighbor and then violates house arrest: arrested.

On the afternoon of April 12th the Belluno Flying Squad carried out a measure suspension of the alternative measure to detention and contextual detention order against a person resident in Handsome 60 year old.

The man, placed under house arrest since March, in recent days had uttered insults and threats towards a neighbor. The fact determined the Surveillance Magistrate of Venice to reinstate the subject's detention in an institution.

This provision is part of the execution of a definitive sentence determined with a cumulative provision for i crimes of attempted serious injury, resisting a public official and contempt of a magistrate during a hearing.

At the end of the activities the man was taken to the local prison.

Belluno. Minaccia e insulta la vicina di casa e poi 60enne viola la misura alternativa: arrestato dalla Polizia di Stato.

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