Bari: 47 socio-cultural projects funded in schools for education and inclusion.

Initiatives against bullying and school dropout, with a focus on art, technology and well-being. Funds for a total of 220.750 euros.

Bari: 47 socio-cultural projects funded in schools for education and inclusion.

The Councillor for Knowledge Vito Lacoppola announces that the ranking relating to the notice addressed to the state nursery, primary and secondary schools of I and II degree and to the comprehensive institutes of the city for the financing of socio-cultural, recreational and educational projects conceived and promoted by the schools themselves.

In total they are 47 projects funded, for a total amount of 220.750 €. The aim of the administration is to reward project activities that involve students, teachers and families, with cultural, educational and formative consequences on the city's school community.

The admitted projects focused on different themes:

  • Education in reading, theatre, art, music, food and environment;
  • New technologies and teaching methodologies;
  • Legality, social inclusion and the fight against school dropout;
  • Interculturality, enhancement of scientific subjects and support for students with disabilities.

The following were important: partnerships with local public bodies, universities, businesses and third sector entitiesThe 47 winning projects were financed with contributions from 3 thousand and 5 thousand euros, based on the score awarded by the selection committee.

Particular attention was given to the fight against bullying and cyberbullying, with proposals that aim to develop empathetic communication in the digital age. Wellness care, nature trails and yoga classes were some of the methods proposed to animate schools throughout the year.

Among the most original initiatives:

  • Theater and “white nights”;
  • Web radio and school web newspaper;
  • Digital communication for engagement with the city community.

From the ABC for emotional education to the emotional atlas, many projects have explored interiority and the narrative of the self, crucial in the psychophysical development of children and young people.

Of particular value for the city are the initiatives dedicated to discovery and valorization of monuments and places of culture in the neighborhoods of Bari.

“This year too we are happy to reward the commitment and creativity of all the schools in Bari,” commented Councilor Lacoppola. "Behind every proposal there are months of study, work and development, in a discussion that involves the entire school and city community. Supporting projects that promote acceptance, inclusion and openness to dialogue is our priority, with particular attention to rights, the enhancement of historical heritage and the protection of the most vulnerable, through various artistic and communicative forms."

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