Bari: Villas and lands confiscated for 1,3 million euros from multiple offender Carmine Fratepietro

Executed yesterday morning, a seizure order against Carmine Fratepietro, already convicted by the authorities for money laundering, receiving stolen goods, robbery and illegal possession of weapons. The value of the assets stolen from the interested party's availability is estimated at 1,3 million euros, represented by two luxurious villas and 3 lands. This would be proof of the illicit origin of his wealth and would constitute the compendium mainly of robberies to the detriment of armored vehicles.

Bari: Villas and lands confiscated for 1,3 million euros from multiple offender Carmine Fratepietro

Yesterday morning the Carabinieri of the Provincial Command of Bari have executed a seizure order issued by the Court – Prevention Measures Section of Bari (President Dr. Giulia Romanazzi) at the request of the Public Prosecutor's Office – District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Bari against Fratepietro Carmine, born in 1978, with a criminal record, following convictions for money laundering, receiving stolen goods, robbery and illegal possession of weapons.

Bari: confiscati ville e terreni per 1,3 milioni di euro al pluripregiudicato Carmine Fratepietro

Fratepietro Carmine, among other things, is known for having been part of the paramilitary commando composed of about 10 people who on 29 February 2016 attacked an armored van on the state road 16 near Trinitapoli which was transporting about 3 million euros destined for post offices and credit institutions.. The robbery, which lasted just 5 minutes, earned the criminal group “only” 725 thousand euros, because the security device that saturated the cargo area with foam went into action. The criminals ensured their escape by occupying the access roads to the robbery site with stolen and burned cars and heavy vehicles, as well as covering the road with dozens of homemade four-pointed nails.

The interested party was also convicted for having participated, on 4 December 2016, together with 15 other people, in the municipality of Caraffa (CZ) and with the "approval" of the Calabrian "ndrine", in the assault on the vault of a local security company, with the use of a bulldozer equipped with a pneumatic hammer that allowed them to steal 8,5 million euros.

And he was again convicted for another assault on an armored van, which occurred on October 19, 2015 in Bari., near state road 16, where together with 15 individuals, disguised and armed with Kalashnikovs, they stole hundreds of thousands of euros from a van headed to the Bank of Italy to deposit the money withdrawn from various credit institutions.

Bari: confiscati ville e terreni per 1,3 milioni di euro al pluripregiudicato Carmine Fratepietro

The value of the assets taken from the interested party's availability, formally registered in the name of his partner, is estimated at 1,3 million euros and is represented by two luxurious villas located in the Andria countryside as well as 3 plots of land located in Trinitapoli (FG). These assets are already subject to confiscation, albeit not definitive, in the context of other criminal proceedings.

Bari: confiscati ville e terreni per 1,3 milioni di euro al pluripregiudicato Carmine Fratepietro

Today's provision issued by the Court - Prevention Measures Section of Bari fully accepts the proposal of the Public Prosecutor's Office - District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Bari, which, considering the social dangerousness of Fratepietro Carmine and his standard of living in discrepancy with his declared income, formulated this request, on the basis of the patrimonial investigations carried out by the specialized Section of the Investigative Unit of the Carabinieri of Bari (without prejudice to the evaluation in the subsequent phases with the contribution of the defense) which reconstructed the income of the entire family unit, thus providing a substantial evidentiary framework regarding the illicit origin of his wealth and which would constitute the compendium above all of robberies to the detriment of security vans.

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