Inside there is also space for healthcare prospects and post-earthquake reconstruction, while the QR on the cover refers to the "Lost in Modena" tourist campaign Read more...
With the Ligabue concert, the ribbon is cut on the new space, the RCF Arena Reggio Emilia, created also thanks to the support of the Region
Officine Armoniche is a collective of artists from Crotone, who have come together to give new creative, aggregative and qualitative stimuli to the Pythagorean scene Read more...
From 17 to 19 June, Pesaro, Italian Capital of Culture 2024, welcomes three days to see each other, listen and talk a bit about everything Read more...
Slow food will present the 2022 Guide to Extra Virgin Olive Oils and will reward the oil producing companies that have received recognition Read more...
The suspects, three young people from Busche, were arrested as they were held responsible for the crimes of attempted murder and attack on transport safety Read more...
Assets confiscated from the mafia, "oranges of legality", stolen from crime, transformed into jams and delivered to the Sauro-Giovanni XXIII school Read more...
The 2022 edition of Brera Design Week taking place from 6 to 12 June takes up the challenges of contemporaneity and promotes the theme "Between Space and Time" Read more...
Tenth anniversary of the earthquake in Emilia, the Local Police of Piacenza also participates in the commemorations. Between poetry and emotion, the memory of the service provided Read more...
Legality and fight against the mafia, young people ask for the truth about the massacres of '92, the 13 short films made by the Syracuse schools were all appreciated Read more...
Trento's candidacy for European volunteering capital 2024 presented, the results of the participatory process, which unfolded in several phases Read more...
Music and theater in the square, with shows from 3 to 5 June in Bologna, returns with the second edition of the San Francesco Estate festival Read more...
The decree has been prepared to suspend the activity of the "Magika" nightclub for 7 days, as it is the backdrop to numerous episodes of quarrels and attacks Read more...
The police who intervened on the scene took steps to verify the presence of the bomb and secure the area while awaiting the arrival of the bomb squad. Read more...
On 4 and 5 June the triathlon will be the protagonist at the Idroscalo Milano, the children's races and the Olimpico relay race are back, registrations are open Read more...
At the Estensi Gardens the "Summer with great actors" review dedicated to prose theatre, on stage Luca Zingaretti, Fabrizio Gifuni, Giulia Lazzarini Read more...
The twentieth edition of I'll tell you a book Childhood is underway, the beauty of being unique told and illustrated by Cristiano Spinelli Read more...
An eighteen-year-old Algerian, irregular on the national territory, arrested for the crime of aggravated theft, had taken possession of a wallet Read more...
The Police was released in a state of freedom under investigation for offensive and derogatory writings towards the Government's policy regarding the containment of the spread of the pandemic Read more...
The 28-year-old who tried to evade checks was arrested for the crime of resisting a public official and reported for driving without a license Read more...
The "historic" events of international appeal have been confirmed; three new entries: the CaterTour, the UlisseFest and the International Police Award Arts Festival Read more...
CAMeC pays homage to the historic Il Gabbiano gallery which, in fifty years of artistic research, brought the excellence of art to the city Read more...
Despite the ban on approaching him, he continues to threaten his ex and his friends, arrested for alleged persecutory acts against his ex-girlfriend Read more...
The Carabinieri have released a 20-year-old de facto homeless man, doing nothing, into a state of freedom for the crime of continued aggravated theft Read more...
The man who chased his wife armed with a knife has been arrested and is subjected to the precautionary measure of removal from the family home Read more...
Despite the overturn, the war hero of the 1st Parachute Carabinieri Regiment "Tuscania", gold medal for military valor, remains in the lead Read more...
At the Sforza Castle on May 27th and 29th, the figure of IPPOLITA MARIA SFORZA in a traveling project curated by ADA-WKO, Ippolita's journey" Read more...
Preview on June 5th and 11th the 4th edition of MILANO DJANGO FESTIVAL, the International gypsy jazz festival dedicated to Django Reinhardt Read more...
The Ukrainian, Spanish, Romanian and Korean authors of I Quaderni del Bardo Edizioni by Stefano Donno at the Europa in Versi Festival 2022 Read more...
The 41-year-old was arrested because he was considered seriously suspected of the crime of attempted robbery, resistance and aggravated injury to a public official Read more...
The contest open to all is underway on the heArt platform, opportunities for young people and experts in the sector, Matteo Forte: an opportunity to make yourself known Read more...
He attempts theft with a girl of the same age, who manages to escape, she is blocked with the goods and is reported for aggravated theft in competition Read more...
The event, "Skills in action", which unites disabled and able-bodied athletes, returns to the Sport village 29 in via Cassiani on Sunday 161 May Read more...
The State Police managed to immediately block the account receiving the transfer in order to then be able to return the sum to the unfortunate victim Read more...
The man with obvious suicidal intentions tries to throw himself into the void from the parapet of the building, the officers intervene by climbing onto the roof and saving him Read more...
The State Police has arrested 12 people seriously suspected of trafficking and possession for the purpose of trafficking of narcotic substances Read more...
One and a half kilos of Marijuana and Hashish were found inside his home and he was subjected to the precautionary measure of house arrest Read more...
The local police project on preventing and combating accidents caused by alcohol and drug use is financed by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers Read more...
Filming of the broadcast "The thousand faces of Syracuse from myth to history" has been completed, with the assistance of the municipal Film Commission Read more...
The three suspects were arrested as they were caught in the act of committing the crimes of attempted aggravated robbery, carrying and illegal possession of a clandestine weapon Read more...
In the Ferrovia district, the action to combat urban decay and widespread illegality has been implemented, three commercial activities have been suspended Read more...
The agreement was signed between the Municipality and the 3PItalia company for the innovation of digital services offered to citizens and businesses and for tourism Read more...
The “Premio Beatrice – Premio Solidarietà 21” returns on Saturday 2022 May, with an evening at the Ristori Theatre, raising funds for the Nadia Toffa Foundation Read more...
On May 23rd Jonathan Bazzi intervenes during the presentation of the books "Isola" by Diego Passoni and "Strega Command Color" by Chiara Tagliaferri Read more...
Meetings, events and conferences to celebrate the anniversary, the winning sketch of the competition for the Golden Lance of June presented Read more...
The new medical oncology department of Upmc International was inaugurated, born from the collaboration between the Sicilian Region and UPMC Read more...
A notice to transform the former covered municipal market in Piazzale Selinunte, expected projects for educational, social, sporting and cultural activities Read more...
Second weekend for the initiative promoted by the Municipality which allows public establishments to extend the areas furnished with mobile tables and seats Read more...