Canelli: Carabinieri checks continue in the areas of the city centre

territory checks

Canelli: Carabinieri checks continue in the areas of the city centre

The determined action of the Carabinieri of the Canelli Company continues in'a perspective of prevention and contrast to episodes of disturbance of public peace in the urban centres of competence, situations that are often linked to the phenomena of juvenile delinquency or the abuse of alcohol. Among the numerous reinforced services carried out, we would like to recall those that have been repeated several times in Canelli in the area of ​​via Filippetti.

In this case the Carabinieri had an additional tool in their control activity thanks to the mayoral ordinance no. 47/2024 dated 20.12.2024 with which Mayor of the Municipality of Canelli had ordered the restriction on the sale of alcoholic and superalcoholic beverages in that area, establishing a ban on takeaway sales from 21.00pm and a ban on sales inside the premises from 23.00pm.

The ordinance in question was in force from 20 December 2024 to 12 January 2025, and at the end of its validity the Carabinieri of Canelli took stock of the activities carried out: 25 targeted checks on commercial activities and a total of 55 people were checked.

Regarding compliance with the mayoral ordinance no violations were found, nor did any situations arise during the reference period that raised concerns about public order and safety, however, in one case, the preventive activity allowed us to surprise and report to the competent Judicial Authority a Canelli resident found in possession of objects capable of causing offence.

The checks by the Carabinieri of Canelli will continue – in via Filippetti of Canelli as in the rest of the jurisdiction of competence – to guarantee the tranquility of the citizens and compliance with the rules.

Canelli: Continuano i controlli dei Carabinieri nelle zone del centro cittadino

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