Como, they raid the shelves and try to get past the checkouts. Two 20-year-old Tunisians reported by the State Police

The State Police reported two 20-year-old Tunisians, both illegally residing in the country, with criminal records and no fixed abode, at liberty for aggravated theft in competition

Como, they raid the shelves and try to get past the checkouts. Two 20-year-old Tunisians reported by the State Police

The State Police reported at liberty for aggravated theft in competition, two 20-year-old Tunisians, both illegal in the territory, with police records and no fixed abode.

In the afternoon, the two 20-year-olds were found guilty of aggravated theft for having stolen goods displayed on the shelves of a supermarket citizen of via Carloni. The patrol car's intervention was requested by the security guard, who in the meantime had noticed the two hiding products in their jackets and backpacks, stopping them just after the cash registers, where they had paid exclusively for a pack of iced tea.

Como, fanno razzia di prodotti tra gli scaffali e tentano di oltrepassare le casse. Denunciati dalla Polizia di Stato due 20enni tunisini

Once they arrived on the scene, the patrol officers thoroughly checked the two 20-year-olds, finding on them goods belonging to the supermarket worth 220 euros.

Taken to the Police Headquarters, the two were identified and then reported at liberty for aggravated theft in competition. Their administrative position is being examined by the Immigration Office of the Police Headquarters, for the adoption of measures against them.

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