Como, territorial control intensified, the You Pol App increasingly effective, helps find a stolen scooter

Como, territorial control intensified, the You Pol App increasingly effective, helps find a stolen scooter

Como, intensified control of the territory, the You Pol App increasingly effective, helps find a stolen scooter.

The State Police, as always, pays extreme and constant attention to the control of the territory aimed at maintaining security and legality, an essential tool to guarantee and transmit the sense of security to citizens.

Como, intensificato il controllo del territorio, l'App di You Pol sempre più efficace, fa ritrovare uno scooter rubato.

The UPGSP patrol cars and the patrols of the 6th Section of the Cabinet Office, as part of the constant intensification, have been deployed in various strategic points of the city, achieving the following results in the last 24 hours: 74 emergency calls reached the Operations Center of the Como Police Headquarters for which 20 public rescue interventions were then carried out, 18 checkpoints were organized in the city and on the arteries entering and exiting the first suburbs, 130 cars were checked and 204 people were identified, 5 traffic violations were issued. During the service, a stolen motorcycle was also found.

Como, intensificato il controllo del territorio, l'App di You Pol sempre più efficace, fa ritrovare uno scooter rubato.

Thanks to the web application “YOU POL” – which, it should be remembered, also guarantees the anonymity of those who make the report – a patrol of the patrol cars recovered, abandoned, on a side street of Lipomo (As), a stolen scooter reported a few days ago in the area of ​​via Bellinzona in Ponte Chiasso.

Once the officers had located the vehicle, they tracked down the owner to whom they immediately returned the scooter.

Roadside checks and all other prevention activities implemented by the State Police, which are essential to guaranteeing legality and safety, will continue without interruption in the coming weeks.

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