Como, she was driving completely drunk and with an expired license, the complaints to the officers who were verbalizing: "you don't know who I am". 31-year-old from Como reported at large

The woman who was stopped was driving her car with a blood alcohol level of 1,88 grams/litre and her driving licence had expired last March

Como, she was driving completely drunk and with an expired license, the complaints to the officers who were verbalizing: "you don't know who I am". 31-year-old from Como reported at large

The State Police, in the night, reported at large for drunk driving, a 31-year-old woman from Uggiate Trevano (Como), the woman stopped at a checkpoint in the city, was driving her car with a blood alcohol level of 1,88 grams/litre and had an expired license since last March.

Around 2024am this morning, a patrol car during a checkpoint in via Varesina stopped a BMW car driven by the woman, once they asked for the documents, driving license and registration document, the policemen only needed a few moments to understand that the woman driving was completely drunk as she was unable to articulate her language, the check also revealed that her driving license had expired since March XNUMX.

The officers then immediately took the car keys and retained the 31-year-old's documents, sending a Highway Police patrol to the scene to issue a report and recover the vehicle, which would then be confiscated.

Once the Highway Police officers arrived on site, they subjected the vehicle to – mandatory two consecutive tests spaced apart from each other – the woman took a breathalyzer test which showed her blood alcohol level was 1,88 grams/litre.

While the reports were being written and her car was being loaded onto the tow truck that had arrived in the meantime, the 31-year-old, probably still in the throes of alcohol, began to behave in a hostile manner, attempting to dissuade the police from proceeding against her, uttering, among other things, the classic phrase "you don't know who I am".

When I finish, the 31-year-old from Uggiate Trevano was reported at large for driving under the influence of alcohol over the limit and fined for driving with an expired license. The car was entrusted to a local towing company.

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