Como: He slept in the basement of a building, invited to go out he also becomes violent with the police, 37-year-old arrested

an arrest

Como: He slept in the basement of a building, invited to go out he also becomes violent with the police, 37-year-old arrested

The State Police has arrested for resisting and assaulting a public official and aggravated assault on a public official, a 37-year-old Slovenian, with a criminal record, of no fixed abode. The man was also reported at large for trespassing and for refusing to provide his personal details to the officers. The story began when 112 sent a patrol car to a condominium on Viale Varese in Como, as it was the presence of a stranger sleeping in the entrance hall of the building was reported.

Once they arrived on the scene, the police did not even have time to interact with the man, a Slovenian of 37 years old, who were verbally and physically attacked with kicks, punches and bites. With a lot of effort The police managed to secure the man in the service car, once at the police station, he continued his violent behavior, kicking and punching the officers (two of them will be reported with prognoses of 3 and 7 days for the injuries sustained).

The investigations revealed that the 37-year-old Slovenian had been the protagonist in the past weeks, of a whole series of behaviors and crimes against the person, which in some cases caused the intervention of the police and consequent reports to the Judicial Authority. The man was therefore arrested for resisting and committing violence against a Public Official and aggravated injuries to a Public Official and reported to the Judicial Authority for violation of domicile and for refusing to provide his personal details to the officers.

Informed of the activities carried out and of the arrest, the Public Prosecutor on duty ordered his immediate trial, which saw him ask for the terms of defense with the ban on residing in the municipality of Como.

Como: Dormiva nel sottoscala di un palazzo, invitato ad uscire diventa violento anche con i poliziotti, arrestato 37enne

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