Como: occupies a condominium cellar and attacks the officers before attempting to escape. A Senegalese man reported.
The State Police reported at liberty for resisting and violence against a Public Official a 27-year-old Senegalese man, of no fixed abode, with a police record and an illegal immigrant in the territory.
Como: occupies a condominium cellar and attacks the officers before attempting to escape. A Senegalese man reported.
The State Police reported him in a state of freedom for resistance and violence against public officials a 27 year old Senegalese, homeless, with a criminal record and irregular in the territory.
At around 10.30 yesterday, a patrol car was sent to via D. Pino in the Camerlata neighbourhood where it had been reported the illegal occupation of a condominium cellar by a man of foreign origins.
Once inside the building and reached the cellar, the officers found the 27-year-old Senegalese man inside who he had set it up as a bed, with a mattress and some small household appliances but in precarious hygienic and safety conditions, some were clearly visible dangerously exposed electrical wires.
At this point the police ordered the man to follow them to the police station but, in response, he still He put up a violent resistance, kicking and trying to escape. Promptly stopped, he was secured in the service car and accompanied to the Police Headquarters, where his police record and his irregular status in the territory emerged – over time he had collected an expulsion and two orders from the Police Commissioner to leave the territory –.
After being identified precisely and after completing the documents, he was reported to the Judicial Authority for resistance and violence to a public official and for failure to comply with immigration law.
His position is being examined by the specialists of the Immigration Office for the necessary formalities.
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